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My Filipino servant, named Romoldo, whom I had dubbed "The Magnificent," was set to work cleaning up my prospective dwelling; and I went out and secured the services of a trooper of the Tenth Cavalry to supplement the deficiencies in Romoldo's housecleaning instincts by some American brawn and muscle.

I Set Up Housekeeping Romoldo's Ideas of Arranging Furniture My Cheerful Environment Romoldo's Success in Making "Hankeys" He Introduces the Orphan Tikkia as His Assistant The Romance of Romoldo and Tikkia. At the period of my advent in Capiz there were but two other American women there, wives of military men.

My kitchen under Romoldo's touches was not perfect, but I have seen worse in my native land. Romoldo being a young and rather attractive man, and Tikkia such a female pirate, I insist that my failure to suspect a romance is at least partially justified; and certainly never by word or glance did they betray the least interest in each other.

I am willing to admit to-day that I vastly overrated Romoldo's services, and yet, considering the untutored state of his mind and the extent of his salary, they were a good investment. There has been among some Americans here a carping and antagonistic spirit displayed toward Filipinos, which reflects little credit upon our national consistency or charity.

He put one table at the top of the room and one at the bottom, with the chairs arranged in a circle around each one. This gave the pleasing impression to one entering the room that a card game was ready to begin. Again Romoldo's efforts were treated with contempt. For at least two weeks a deadly combat went on between Romoldo and me, in which I finally came off victor.