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Scant one-quarter of a pound of almonds, blanched and grated; scant one-half pound of sweet butter; not quite three-quarters of a pound of flour; a little sugar and a pinch of salt, and two yolks. Mix this well, pound the dough well with the rolling-pin, then roll out not too thin. Bake.

It's better for us to eat some other kind of food, if we get real weak and pindlin' on it, rather than eat animal food an' make the animal in us stronger than the spiritual, so we won't be any better than wild tigers an' bears, an' lose our rule over the other animals." Cephas took the rolling-pin and brought it heavily down upon the sticky mass on the board.

Pitman's, investigated the dining-room and kitchen from a floating plank; the doors were too narrow to admit the boat. But he found nothing more important than a rolling-pin. He was not at all depressed by his failure. He came back, drenched to the skin, about three, and asked permission to search the Ladleys' bedroom. "I have a friend coming pretty soon, Mrs.

Their minds slant off sideways, the way their arms do when they fling a stone." Cephas brought the rolling-pin down upon the paste again with fierce impetus. "You'll break it," Sarah murmured, feebly. Cephas brought it down again, his mouth set hard; his face showed a red flush through his white beard, the veins on his high forehead were swollen and his brows scowling.

Now, there was this special feature in the Captain's courtships, that he always asked if the young lady could make pie-crust; and if she couldn't by nature or education, she was taught. Well. When the bride saw Captain Murderer produce the golden rolling-pin and silver pie-board, she remembered this, and turned up her laced-silk sleeves to make a pie.

After the trees have been tapped the latex is collected in carefully cleaned tin buckets, brought to the factory and strained into huge earthenware tubs. This soft mass of rubber is carefully floated out of the pan onto a table, where it is rolled on both sides for a few minutes with a wooden rolling-pin to squeeze out the excess of water and acid.

With a loud roar, very unlike his usual gentle tones, Orpin sprang forward, seized a thick piece of wood like a four-foot rolling-pin, and therewith felled the savage, who tumbled headlong into the enclosure. "Oh, father!" exclaimed a terrified voice at that moment, while a light touch was laid on Conrad's shoulder. "What brings you here, Bertha?" said Conrad, with an impatient gesture.

Even Hannah, who you may recollect was so surly, harsh, and suspicious when she first came here, and who really has as little cordiality or enthusiasm in her nature as a gridiron or a rolling-pin, seems now to be completely devoted to her; as nearly infatuated as one of her flinty temperament can be, and who conquers old Hannah's heart you will admit must be wellnigh perfect."

"But we've got plenty of bacon." "If we've got bacon a-plenty, then get some ponhaus. Or some mush. Hurry up and go, Tillie!" She came to the girl's side and took the rolling-pin from her hands. "And don't hurry back. Set awhile. Now get your things on quick." "But, Aunty Em " "Are you mindin' me, Tillie, or ain't you?" her aunt sharply demanded.

"But I can't understand the Holy Trinity, Mother," he protested. "Nobody can understand the Holy Trinity. It is a great mystery." "Mystery," echoed Mark, taking pleasure in the word. It always thrilled him, that word, ever since he first heard it used by Dora the servant when she could not find her rolling-pin. "Well, where that rolling-pin's got to is a mystery," she had declared.