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The rollicking politician, "Jim Coffroth," every Californian knew; the author of these lines was another man by the same name: Amid the Silence of the Night. "Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep." Psalm cxxi.

She looked on the weird beauty of the ice-bound marshes which glittered red and green and blue in the sun with unseeing eyes; for her isolation was giving her time to think, and thought was a torment. On the eighth day came a letter from Uncle Chris, a cheerful, even rollicking letter. Things were going well with Uncle Chris, it seemed.

Scott's "Marmion," about the only piece of verse with which he had been on speaking acquaintance, he abandoned for fragments of "Locksley Hall" and "Lucille." His musical taste underwent like change. The rollicking college airs he was accustomed to whistle with more vigor than accuracy gave place to "Tell Me, Pretty Maiden," and "Annie Laurie."

But this restless gaiety too often grows fatiguing, as the rollicking fun begins to pall upon us, as the jokes ring hollow, and the wit gets stale by incessant reiteration. We know how much in real life we get to hate the joker who does not know when to stop, who repeats his jests, and forces the laugh when it does not flow freely.

The plain truth is that with Fielding love is an appetite rather than a sentiment and he is only completely at ease when painting its rollicking, coarse and passional aspects. In its unanalytic method and loose construction this Novel, compared with Richardson, is a throw-back to a more primitive pattern, as we saw was the case with Fielding's first fiction.

These, with the noisy crested jays, an occasional "camp-robber," the little nuthatches, the cheerful canyon wren with his rollicking song, the happy water-ousel, "kill-deer," and road-runners and the water birds, ducks, geese, and mud-hens, with an occasional crane, made up the bird life seen in the open country and in these upper canyons.

At this moment two of them are having a rollicking game of tag on the shingled roof a pandemonium of scrambling, scratching, squealing, and growling ever and anon clambering down at the eaves to the top of a blind and peeping in at the window to see how I like it.

"Nobody was really drunk last night and here it is nearly noon, with the men all hanging about camp. If there was whiskey yet to be had, some of these thirsty, rollicking scrappers of ours would be right back at the spigot this morning." "Maybe so," Atkinson admitted. "Seems so and yet I ain't easy in my mind.

I wonder how it would sound to me now the rollicking lilt of Barney Leave the Girls Alone even if a sweet maid flung its banter at me with flashing fingers and well-fashioned lips. I behaved myself with great care at the table I remember that and, after dinner, we played in the dooryard and the stable, I with a great fear of tearing my new clothes.

Supply a few footnotes." "I've been fired." Jimmy sat up. This was no imaginary trouble, no mere malaise of the temperament. It was concrete, and called for sympathy. "I'm awfully sorry," he said. "No wonder you aren't rollicking. How did it happen?" "That half-portion Bill Taft came joshing me about my beezer till it got something fierce," explained Jerry.