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Rollick snapped his finger and thumb. "But what is to be done, done for the county? There's the rub." "I was just coming to that," quoth Uncle Jack. "You say that you have not a county paper that upholds your cause and denounces your enemies." "Not since the Whigs bought the shire Mercury." "Why, good heavens! Mr.

"Bless me, father," said eagerly the young Pisistratus, who had swallowed with ravished ears every syllable and figure of this inviting calculation, "why, we should be as rich as Squire Rollick; and then, you know, sir, you could keep a pack of fox-hounds." "And buy a large library," added Uncle Jack, with more subtle knowledge of human nature as to its appropriate temptations.

Rollick, how can you suppose that you will have justice done you if at this time of day you neglect the Press? The Press, sir there it is air we breathe! What you want is a great national no, not a national A Provincial proprietary weekly journal, supported liberally and steadily by that mighty party whose very existence is at stake.

What is this agricultural interest that professes to be the prop of the land?" "Professes!" cried Squire Rollick, "it is the prop of the land; and as for those manufacturing fellows who have bought up the 'Mercury' " "Bought up the 'Mercury, have they, the villains?" cried Uncle Jack, interrupting the Squire, and now bursting into full scent.

He seemed to bear a charmed life; and there was something in the rollick and dash of his letters home, always full charged with the very sense of bravery and physical enjoyment, well calculated to arouse the feeling, if not the envy, of a brother quite as patriotic and probably quite as brave as himself, but kept back by circumstances and afterwards by ill-health from participating in the same glorious conflicts.

Rollick was of a querulous nature; that the compliment was meant, not to please my mother, but to spite the professed cook and housekeeper, to whom the butler would be sure to repeat the invidious apology.

Caxton to the grandees of the neighborhood, and uttered by no less a person than Squire Rollick, of Rollick Hall, chairman of the quarter-sessions. But the mind of that deep and truly knowing man was not to be plumbed by a chit of my age.

Rollick snapped his finger and thumb. "But what is to be done, done for the county? There's the rub." "I was just coming to that," quoth Uncle Jack. "You say that you have not a county paper that upholds your cause and denounces your enemies." "Not since the Whigs bought the shire Mercury." "Why, good heavens! Mr.

What is this agricultural interest that professes to be the prop of the land?" "Professes!" cried Squire Rollick, "it is the prop of the land; and as for those manufacturing fellows who have bought up the 'Mercury' " "Bought up the 'Mercury, have they, the villains?" cried Uncle Jack, interrupting the Squire, and now bursting into full scent.

After that angry outburst, the fountains of his sorrow seemed to dry up and he became more the old, nonchalant Louis whom I knew. "Where is Miriam?" I asked. He ignored my question and went on reasoning with himself. "No more peace no more quiet no more sing and rollick till he get Miriam!" Was the fellow really delirious? The boats were disappearing from view. I could wait no longer.