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He forced me to the ground and rolled my face in the sand; then he pulled me to my feet and tossed me backward, till I almost staggered into the pool. I saved myself, and staggered instead into the shallow at the foot of it, close under the ledge of the precipice. That morning, when Machudi's men were cooking breakfast, I had figured out a route up the cliff. This route was now my hope of escape.

"Were the gloves open or rolled up when she offered them to you?" "They were rolled up." "Did you see her take them off?" "Assuredly." "And roll them up?" "Certainly." "After which she passed them over to you?" "Not immediately. She let them lie in her lap for a while." "While you talked?" Mr. Durand bowed. "And looked at the diamond?" Mr. Durand bowed for the second time.

The "Swanhilda" lifted and rolled slowly, majestically on the ground swell of the Pacific, the water hissing and boiling under her forefoot, her cordage vibrating and droning in the steady rush of the trade winds. It was drawing towards evening and her lights had just been set.

Tried to bluff 'em off orders not to shoot. They got orders to shoot all right. Tell Jack Guess I'm bleedin' inside So-long pardner." The dying man writhed from Sundown's arms and rolled to his face, cursing and clutching at the grass in agony. Sundown stood over him, his hat off, his gaze lifted toward the cloudless sky, his face white with a new and strange emotion.

He had his sleeves rolled up, and was bending over a pile of "copy" when the girls entered the office. He brushed his sleeves down and rose to hear their message. "Father is ill," began Dorothy weakly, for inside the office its difficulties seemed to crush her.

Out near the end of Center Street, the grandstand has been going up, tiers of seats rising from each curb line. The street has been rolled and sprinkled and scraped until it is in fine condition for a running track. Why don't you pick up that pebble and throw it over into the lot? Suppose some runner should slip on that stone and fall and hurt himself, you'd be to blame.

The gigantic palms and foliage trees, all tufted with air-plants or strangled with climbers, were literally buried in flowers of every hue, and the crown of the forest rolled under us like a sea of blossoms. Every moment one enchanting prospect after another opened to our wondering eyes.

"Yes, you can come along if you like; it may be the big thing yet." As the carriage rolled along Indiman vouchsafed certain explanations. "As I have already told you," he began, "I bought the picture from a small dealer in the Bowery. I happened to notice it in his window, and, the 'Red Duchess' being one of the half-dozen superlative portraits of the world, I was naturally interested.

Its composition was biscuit dough, rolled out into a sheet one-fourth of an inch thick, spread with stewed dried apples or peaches, seasoned with sugar and spice and everything nice, to another half inch in thickness; rolled up into a long roll and then rolled up in a clean towel or flour sack, tied up and dropped into a pot of boiling water and boiled until done.

Things rolled on as they would, and all his praying would no more drive away the threatened darkness from Kate's life than any cry of his would avail to drive back the all-pervading, awesome presence of night, which was putting out the features of the landscape one after another. Albert thought to go to his mother.