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"They will give thee food, anyhow. And perchance they know where liveth the magic stone!" In the end Rolla's high purpose prevailed over her weak knees, and she began to look for the entrance to the place. It was partly in ruins-that is, the upper stories-but the two lower floors seemed, so far as their interior could be seen through the high, unglazed windows, to be in good condition.

"It be a shame that we cannot come hence a great deal oftener! Methinks They could allow it!" "They care not for our longings," spoke Cunora, her eyes flashing as angrily as his. "They give us enough freedom to make us work the better no more! All They care for is thy herd and my crops!" "And for the labor," reminded the big man, "of such brains as Rolla's and Dulnop's.

Billie could make out the powerful physique of Corrus, the slighter figure of Dulnop, the small but vigorous form of Cunora, and Rolla's slender, graceful, capable body. But at that moment the other flier began to say to Supreme: "The big man is a tender of cattle, Supreme; and he owes his peculiar aptitude to the fact that his parents, for twenty generations back, were engaged in similar work.

Nothing could have told the investigators so well just how childlike the Sanusians really were. Corrus had all he could do to hold in himself. "Mownoth!" he exclaimed, his eyes raised fervently. "If it be thy will to deliver us, give us the secret this night!" Meanwhile, in Rolla's hut, a similar scene was going on under the doctor's projected eye.

While this was being done, Rolla hurried east and located Cunora. The girl was in a pitiful condition from lack of proper food, and comparative confinement and constant strain. But during Rolla's absence she had seen none of the bees. "What are you going to do now?" she asked Rolla, after the explorer had told her story. Rolla shrugged her shoulders indifferently.