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"Now, Roger, don't add to your vices flattery and" "And fibbing," he subjoined. "I didn't say so." "You only meant it." "Don't begin again," interposed Percivale: "Come in, and refer the cause in dispute to me." We did go in, and we did refer the matter to him.

"Me too," said little Roger, who had his strap buckled so tightly about his fat waist, that he had hard work to breathe under the pressure. "Hip hip " answered Tavia, continuing: "Blow Bugle, blow, Blow Bugle blow, We're very proud You blew so loud To let the people know." "Price five cents! Order now! That's the way city people put things in the papers about their goods," declared Tavia.

Don't lose a moment. Undress under the shelter of these bushes. "Now, Roger, let us move a few yards away, and then take off our doublets and shirts, and swim across, holding them above the water. By the time that we are back, the girls will be ready." "I will carry them across, master. It is of no use two of us going, with so light a burden. I shall make nothing of it."

But he'll get his share all right to send home." "Just like Jimmy Blazes," declared Roger to Bob, afterward. It was three or four days after this that Iggy was able to leave the hospital, and take his place with his chums. "The five Brothers are together again!" cried Jimmy, when the reunion took place. "Now let the Huns tremble!" "By golly yes!" declared the Polish lad.

There had been a centre of life in the "Tatler," designed, as Sir Roger and his friends were designed, to carry the human interest of a distinct personality through the whole series of papers.

"We sure will," answered Todd, and he gave each of the party something to carry on his back and in his gamebag. "Now for a climb that is a climb!" cried Dave. "Roger, this puts me in mind of some climbing I did in Norway." "Were you in Norway?" questioned Sid Todd, curiously. "Oh, yes, I once went there to find my father," answered Dave.

She almost added, "And it is she whom your stepmother is jealous of," but she pulled herself up in time. "What a lot you seem to know about Holliday," remarked Roger half-quizzically, half-seriously, eyeing her over the menu. She laughed cheerfully. "I do. I told you he interested me as a type. Caviare or grape-fruit? Oh, caviare. I feel like it, somehow."

But when Astro failed to reply in kind, the blond-haired cadet realized he was serious. "What is it?" he asked. "Why, in the name of the moons of Mars, would Barret want to do the things he did to us?" "Simple," said Roger, beginning to sweep industriously as he saw the guard walking toward them. "He didn't like the way we manhandled him."

"We have made half a dozen of these miscreants prisoners," said Roger Nowell, "and the whole of them had better be taken to Whalley, where they can be safely confined in the old dungeons of the Abbey, and after their examination on the morrow can be removed to Lancaster Castle."

The merchants made no secret of their satisfaction, as soon as they had handed to the cazique the goods and slaves they had agreed to give, in exchange for Roger. They had, like the cazique, pretended to be indifferent as to the bargain; and had haggled with him over the terms of the purchase.