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"Faith, there's no man says more and knows less than yerself, I'm thinkin'." "About Ireland, yer riverence?" "And everything else, Mr. O'Connell." "Is that criticism or just temper, Father?" "It's both, Mr. O'Connell." "Sure it's the good judge ye must be of ignorance, Father Cahill." "And what might that mane?" "Ye live so much with it, Father."

Well, when I get the cash from Denis's marriage, I'll get a carving-knife and fork from Garley's; not but what I ought to have one. Judy, where's the big fork?" "Why, didn't yer riverence smash it entirely drawing the cork from the bottle of sherry wine ye got for Doctor Blake the day he was here about the dispinsary business?" This little explanation Judy bawled from the kitchen.

And says Mika, "Not I, your Riverence. I got myself into a passion 'fore I let loose." I believe she smoked this identical pipe. She acknowledged the merits of my whisky, as poets do hearing fine verses, never clapping hands, but with the expressiveness of grave absorption. That's the way to make good things a part of you. She was a treat.

"Meself, is it? Och, it's soon told. Six years lived I there wid Kathy and Mulqueen, workin' in the garden, he keepin' before me, until one day his Riverence come face agin me thruble. Oh, yis, sor, that same, that bit sup that's too much for the stomick, sor, and so gets into the toes and tongue, sor!

It's only darkness I find in this village," argued O'Connell. "I've given my life to spreadin' the Light!" said the priest. A smile hovered on O'Connell's lips as he muttered: "Faith, then, I'm thinkin' it must be a DARK-LANTERN yer usin', yer riverence." "Is that the son of Michael O'Connell talkin'?"

Denis had taken off his hat, and muttering something about his wife, and "good morning, yer riverence," was decamping towards Ballycloran. "Why, man," said Father John, "what business have you so far from your wife at this hour of the morning, after your wedding? Have you been to take the two pigs home?" "He, he, Father John, you'll niver have done with them pigs!

'Don't you see, I haven't his riverence at me elbow here, to turn me into a goat if I did anything contrary, or to toss me into purgatory the minit the breath is out of my poor body. Thousands of Andy's countrymen find the same relief to their consciences as soon as they tread the free soil of Canada West.

Cane. 'Four pound tin, says she, 'Mr. McGovery; and you to know no better than that, and she to calve before Christmas! well then, four pound tin indeed, jist in that manner, yer riverence. Well then I looks at the cow, and she seemed a purty sort of a cow, and I agreed to the bargain, yer honer, purviding the cow turned out to be with calf.

"Well, Denis that'll do, Judy," meaning that Judy need not listen any longer, at any rate within the room "so you are going to get married, are you?" "Didn't Father Cullen say anything to your riverence about it, then?" "Oh, yes, he did then; I didn't remember it just at first, when Judy mentioned your name." "Iss, yer riverence; if ye plaze, I am going to be married."

"I came to your riverence for spiritual good," said Annorah, now coming forward and laying a fat chicken and sundry paper parcels beside her week's wages on the little table by her mother's side. "I came for spiritual good, and ye thried to teach me to tattle. It's a mane trade intirely, lettin' alone the maneness of sich as teach it."