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"Must you go now?" asked Olof sadly. "Let me go with you as far as the road at least." Once more he looked regretfully at the river as if to fix the recollection in his mind. They walked up to the road without speaking, and stopped. "It's ever so hard for me to say good-bye to you," he said, grasping her hands. "Harder still for me," she answered in a low voice.

In the spring of 1869, the Fifth Cavalry, ordered to the Department of the Platte, took up the line of march for Fort McPherson, Nebraska. It was a large command, including seventy-six wagons for stores, ambulance wagons, and pack-mules. The average distance covered daily was only ten miles, and when the troops reached the Solomon River there was no fresh meat in camp.

Full of such thoughts as these, he made his way to the house of Rufinus. The windows of the corner room on the upper floor were lighted up; two of these windows looked out on the river and the quay.

He forded the river in the night, pushed his way through mountain passes, and at 2 o'clock in the morning, rushed with his grenadiers into the enemy's camp before daylight, where every thing was carried at the point of the bayonet, assisted by a charge of dragoons.

Between marsh and river at the south was an immense hill, too steep and rugged for any practical purpose, and this they scaled. The west end of the city lay before them crowding close to the river bank, and already its tentacles had crept around and over the hills and on past Westmarsh tract. Young Platt looked from river to swamp, his eyes glowing over the possibilities that lay before them.

The good rector's answer was, in effect, "No, you may not. The Almighty designated the river Jordan as the means for securing health and safety; and so in these times he has designated for a similar purpose the church which is the Protestant Episcopal Church: outside of that as the one appointed by him you have no hope."

When the boy has learned his lessons he may roam the fields and float on the river at his own sweet will; but so long as he is at the desk he must be deaf to the invitation of sky and woods. When a man has mastered his work he may safely roam the world; but while he is an apprentice let him be deaf and blind to all things that interrupt or divert or dissipate the energies. Mr.

He, in his turn, was dragged from his seat and set beside his leader. The feelings of the crowd rose high on either side, and while some dragged the prisoners to and fro to favour their escape, others cursed and struck them with their fists. Dick's ears rang and his brain swam dizzily, like a man struggling in the eddies of a furious river.

There was only one thought in my mind, and only one word on every tongue: "FORWARD!" I proceeded from Kroonstad to the railway bridge at Zand River, and remained there until the 25th of March, when the commandos reassembled. What I had foreseen occurred. The burghers were different men altogether, and returned with renewed courage to the fight.

The voyager straggled with all the strength he possessed against the awful power of the contending waters and fortunately succeeded in throwing himself out on a big wave and was carried down. A great sigh of relief went up from the crowd which sounded like the rush of distant wind. Soon after Paul was pulled from the river insensible.