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It was the 29th of January following before they arrived at Rio Grande, on the coast of Brazil; and having by various accidents, left about twenty of their people on shore at the different places they touched at, and a greater number having perished by hunger during the course of their navigation, there were no more than thirty of them left when they arrived in that port.

Don Ricardo Guzman was an American, but he spoke no English. An accident of birth had made him a citizen of the United States his father having owned a ranch which lay north instead of south of the Rio Grande. Inasmuch as the property had fallen to Ricardo, his sons, too, were Yankees in the eyes of the law.

We felt certain that when he found Mac was not on the train he would think his intended victim had slipped off at some way station possibly with a view of making his escape into the interior; even if he sent a dispatch to the bank an unlikely thing for a Brazilian to do it would doubtless be to the effect that his quarry had left Rio on the early train that morning with him.

The gunboat Marietta had joined the Oregon near the straits, and the Buffalo, which the United States had bought from Brazil, was waiting for them at Rio. I will let Captain Clark tell you the story of the remainder of the voyage, in his own way: "Several long cablegrams were exchanged between the Government and myself.

"Across the Rio Grand-e There lies a sunny land-e, My bright-eyed Mexico!" Alexandra Bergson came up to the card booth. "Let me help you, Marie. You look tired." She placed her hand on Marie's arm and felt her shiver. Marie stiffened under that kind, calm hand. Alexandra drew back, perplexed and hurt.

In this manner a small boat proceeds in a day or a day and a half, from the waters of the Tuamini to those of the Cano Pimichin, which flow into the Rio Negro. Our canoe being very large, and having to pass the cataracts a second time, it was necessary to avoid with particular care any friction on the bottom; consequently the passage occupied more than four days.

The Rio Grande Dam involving the construction of a storage dam opposite Eagle, New Mexico, across the Rio Grande River will irrigate one hundred and eighty thousand acres of land in New Mexico, Texas, and Mexico. Nowhere else on the face of the globe is one so vividly impressed by the vastness of the work of corrasion as in the northwestern part of Arizona.

A few days out from Corpus Christi, the immense herd of wild horses that ranged at that time between the Nueces and the Rio Grande was seen directly in advance of the head of the column and but a few miles off. It was the very band from which the horse I was riding had been captured but a few weeks before.

The scene of military interest suddenly shifted to the Rio Grande, and the incidents happening on the border deserved more attention than Maximilian seemed at first inclined to bestow. The interests of the national party were represented in Washington by Senor Romero, who, with consummate tact and ability, made the most of every opportunity.

Thus the Imperial government at Rio de Janeiro will be relieved from considerable disbursement, and the officers and seamen notwithstanding the great additional trouble to which they have been put will be satisfied, so far as regards their claim to the value of their captures in compensation for their services at Maranham.