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The engine-room telegraph was ringing and the motion of the screws momentarily ceased; then, in response to further ringing, recommenced, but so as to jar the whole structure of the vessel; whereby I knew that the engines were reversed.

Patten doesn't guess yet that it was the blow Moraga gave me the other night which came so close to ringing down the sable curtains for me." "Moraga?" she asked with quickened interest. "Not the same Moraga who shot Brocky Lane?" "The same little old Moraga," he assured her lightly.

"Now," said she, "I will meet my fate with courage; whatever may come, it shall find me firm and composed. My children are safe, for their father is with them." She took the light, and hastened into the anteroom, which was resounding with the loud ringing. "Who is there?" she cried. "Who rings so late at night?" "In the name of the king, open!" Wilhelmine shoved back the bolt, opening the door.

On December 29, 1896, the eighty-seventh anniversary of Mr. Gladstone's birth was celebrated at Hawarden, surrounded by his family and friends. There were the usual demonstrations by the villagers, consisting in the ringing of bells and the appointments of deputations to wait upon the aged statesman at the Castle with congratulations.

"M. le Duc!" cried the ringing voice of Cigarette, loud and startling as a bugle-note, while she stood like a little lioness, flushed with the draughts of champagne and with the warmth of wrath at once jealous and generous, "keep your compassion until it is asked of you. No soldier of France needs it; that I promise you.

We're bein' captured, all right, but we ain't bein' rescued not just yet!" "Ned's somewhere about," Jack said, confidently. "He'll manage to turn us loose before long." Then through the jungle, and ringing snappingly on the clear air, came the snorting of the Manhattan's engines. At that moment she was entering the little creek which Pat had pointed out. In a moment the explosions ceased.

The bells were ringing for a saint's-day service as Brian's boat shot past the water-side village, with its old square-towered church. All the world had a happy look, as if it smiled at Ida and her choice.

Ha, ha, ha!" And once more the General's guffaws went ringing through the house. "If Colonel Koshkarev should turn out to be as mad as the last one it is a bad look-out," said Chichikov to himself on opening his eyes amid fields and open country everything else having disappeared save the vault of heaven and a couple of low-lying clouds.

But the mob thickened every moment, in spite of the guards, and a very few yards beyond where they had taken refuge at Madame Darpent's, a large wooden bench had been thrown across the street, and the uproar redoubled round it the yells, shrieks, and cries ringing all down the road.

Whenever we could contrive to get into a church tower we thought it great fun to frighten all the parish by ringing the alarm bell, as if some fire had broken out; but that was not all, we always cut the bell ropes, so that in the morning the churchwardens had no means of summoning the faithful to early mass.