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The dark blue of the sea became lighter around the islands, melting from sapphire to turquoise to jade. The atolls were ringed with dazzling white surf and beach, and they all had cool green swaths of palm trees and underbrush. And each lagoon also had its varying shades of blue, like the outer sea. "I fear we may have trouble, my boy," said the Phoenix, as they scanned the empty beaches.

But Ada was hearing an interesting piece of news about you, yesterday." "Ada's as bad as the other old women." "Nonsense. You had better go, Reggie. I mean it." Reggie passed a ringed hand over his smooth, fair hair, felt his moustache, opening his mouth beneath the caressing fingers as he did so. "The engagements you mention are negligible ones?"

The ugly twist had disappeared from her delicate head; and in its place were soft, loose waves and light puffs; she had even ventured on allowing a few ringed locks to stray on to her forehead; her white morning-dress no longer wore the trade-mark of Miss Chickie, but had been remodelled by some one of more taste. "What a pretty gown, my dear!" said Mrs. Burnham, glancing at it curiously.

An alfalfa sent us from Washington did well, and potatoes also gave a fair return, though our summer frosts often destroyed whole patches of the latter. Our imported plum and crabapple trees were ringed by mice beneath the snow in winter.

Truly they would feel like sheep in the midst of wolves when He had gone, and Pharisees and priests and Roman officers ringed them round. No wonder if, like a shepherdless flock, they had broken and scattered! But the theocratic importance of Jerusalem, and the fact that nowhere else could the Apostles secure such an audience for their witness, made their 'beginning at Jerusalem' necessary.

My flickering attention saw the soldiers coming always nearer in their frantic wanderings, and saw also the sea below rolling deeper and deeper in upon the land. The fires, too, which ringed in half the mountain, spurted up to double their old height, and burned with an unceasing roar.

The old woman gazed into Robinette's face, and then a light seemed to break over her. "It's Miss Cynthia's daughter you are!" she cried. "My Miss Cynthia as went and married in America!" She caught Robinette's white ringed hands in hers, and Robinette bent down and kissed the wrinkled old face. "I know that mother loved you, Nurse," she said. "She used often, often to tell me about you."

Shann strode forward, and his boots sank in sand, that smooth, satin sand which had ringed the island in the cavern. But he was certain he was no longer on that island, even within that cavern, though far above him there was still a dome of roof. The source of the green shimmer lay to his left. Somehow he found himself reluctant to turn and face it. That would commit him to action.

They stood sluggishly in groups, dazed by suffering, and their faces were drawn and their eyes ringed, their beards and hair matted. And many found it in their hearts to curse Clark and that government for which he fought. When the red fire of the sun glowed through the bare branches that morning, it seemed as if the campaign had spent itself like an arrow which drops at the foot of the mark.

His eyes were ringed and cavernous, his cheeks empty. “You have heard, then?” he said; but he evinced no curiosity. He spoke with the apathy of one who takes everything for granted, one with whom fate is to have its will. “I have just come from there,” he added, with a backward gesture. “I never thought that such a thing could be.