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"You're a gunman. You been raised and trained for gunfighting. I wouldn't have no chance!" Sinclair controlled his scorn. "Then I'll fight left-handed. I'm a right-handed man, Cartwright, and I'll take you with my gun in my left hand. That evens us up, I guess." "No, it don't!" But with the cry on his lips, the glance of Cartwright flickered past Sinclair. He grew thoughtful, less flabby.

Now, in all other animal structures which have a spiral growth and are paired one belonging to the right side of the animal, the other to the left, as, for instance, the spirally marked horns of antelopes and the more loosely coiled horns of sheep and cattle one of the pair forms a right-handed and the other a left-handed spiral.

They bore right-handed, cleared the Mount of Olives, which commands Jerusalem from the east, drove the enemy away eastwards, and occupied a position east of Jerusalem across the Jericho road. These operations isolated Jerusalem. At about noon on the 9th December, 1918, the city was surrendered. Two days later General Allenby made his official entry into Jerusalem. It was a simple ceremony.

It was a plain, right-handed, battering-ram punch to the neck that ended things, and Hassan Ah lay coughing on the sand with bulging eyes while Joe Byng tended Curley's hurts. "Hasn't the nigger got any pals?" asked Crothers; and then it occurred to Byng that the most hurt man was surely most in need of mending. Both he and Crothers bent over him, then, and they soon had him on his feet again.

The natural direction of a right-handed blow, with the body in such a position, would be from right to left not from left to right. But, after considering this point carefully, I came to the conclusion that the blow might have been struck by a right-handed man. I was wrong." "I do not think you have much cause to blame yourself," said the chief constable.

He hastened to a projecting part of the bridge a few paces from the spot where they had conferred; there he raised himself on the parapet that he might see which way Blondel turned at the end of the bridge. If he entered the town no more could be made of it: but if he turned right-handed and by the rampart to the Corraterie, Louis' mind was made up to risk something.

She was never carried about in arms at all, never walked with when crying or sleepless; she was frequently turned over in her sleep; she was not allowed to balance herself on her feet until a later period than that covered by the experiments. Thus the conditions of the rise of the right-handed era were made as simple and uniform as possible.

Specimens of quartz have been found which require the analyzer to be turned from left to right to obtain the same succession of colours. Crystals of the first class are therefore called right-handed, and of the second class, left-handed crystals.

A large majority of persons have the speech zone in the left hemisphere, and are right-handed; it will be seen that the figure shows the left hemisphere of the brain, and with it the right hand holding the pen. Defects of Speech Aphasia. The sorts of injury which may befall a large zone of the brain are so many that well-nigh endless forms of speech defect occur.

The reason given is that right-handed men automatically use the right foot more than the left, make more movements with it. The order to remove boots twice a day, for a few moments while in the trenches, had a beneficial effect among certain battalions.