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Dainty shoes, tailor-made jackets, fashionable short riding-habits, mannish-looking riding-boots, silk undergarments, beautiful jewellery, all were taken out of their packages and duly admired.

He would have been comforted could he have known Richard Hunt's thoughts, for that gentleman had gone back to the picture of a ragged mountain boy in old Major Buford's carriage, one court day long ago, and now he was looking that same lad over from the visor of his cap down his superb length to the heels of his riding-boots. His eyes rested long on Chad's face.

Surely her expression was one of a great, passionate nature, of a soul capable of a wondrous love, or a wondrous hate. She had seated herself upon the ground with the careless abandon of one used to such a resting-place. Her trim riding-boots were displayed from beneath the hem of her coarse dungaree habit. Her Stetson hat was pushed back on her head, leaving the broad low forehead exposed.

Every one has a natural horror of poisonous snakes, but sometimes an adventure with them has its element of amusement. I remember an instance where one of my companions, having come into camp from his work in the forest, lay down outside his tent to rest, and, the better to enjoy it, took off his riding-boots and loosened his breeches at the knee.

Josiah in the dimly lighted corridor was putting the last shine on a pair of riding-boots. As he rose, his master said, "Stay here I am not at home to anybody to any one." He led the way into his sitting-room; Grey following said, "Excuse me," as he locked the door. "You are quite safe," remarked his host, rather annoyed. "Oh, that I take for granted." James Penhallow said, "Sit down.

The colonel again threw himself into his chair, stretched out his slender, well-turned legs, crooked one of his russet-leather riding-boots to be sure the spurs were still in place, and said slowly rather absently, as if the subject did not greatly interest him: "Patapsco failed and St. George a beggar, eh? Too bad! too bad!"

A cowpuncher in high-heeled riding-boots is handicapped for pedestrianism by both training and inclination and that scarred and wrinkled portion of the Northwest is a mighty poor strolling-ground for any man. But we kept on, for the simple reason that there was nothing else we could do. MacRae wasted no breath in words.

As though he thought he had been neglected, the little man in riding-boots pushed forward importantly. "Tie him to a tree!" he suggested. "Better take him on board," said the barkeeper, "and send him back by the pilot. When we're once at sea, he can't hurt us any." "What makes you think I want to hurt you?" demanded David. "Who do you think I am?"

La Chatre's look was frank, open, brave. Montignac had the face of a man assuming a character, and awaiting his opportunity, concealing his ambition and his pride, suppressing the scorn that strove to disclose itself at the corners of his womanish mouth. La Chatre wore a rich black velvet doublet and breeches, and black leather riding-boots.

There was no delaying longer. Rosamond, all eagerness, was leading the way downstairs, her little riding-boots tapping her departure. Stephen was waiting for Roberta; she had to precede him. The next she knew she was down and out upon the porch, and Richard Kendrick, hat and crop in hand, was meeting her halfway, his expectant eyes upon her face.