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A dark house is always an unhealthy house, always an ill-aired house, always a dirty house. Want of light stops growth, and promotes scrofula, rickets, &c., among the children. People lose their health in a dark house, and if they get ill they cannot get well again in it. More will be said about this farther on.

"I wonder how it will end," thought the brother in his barracks. "I'm afraid that my poor Theodore is 'one of those Asra who die when they love." Theodore Wennerstroem was married. Nine months after the wedding his wife presented him with a boy who suffered from rickets another thirteen months and Theodore Wennerstroem had breathed his last.

But this amazing, dreamy, interrogative look was not the sort of thing that Poppy was accustomed to, and for once in her life Poppy felt shy. "I say, Rickets, there goes a quarter to twelve. Did I wake him out of his little sleep?" Poppy talked as much to the canary as to Rickets, which made it all quite proper. As for Rickman, he talked hardly at all. "You'll have to go in ten minutes, Rick."

Speaking of "Chopin and the Sick Men" Mr. Runciman is most pertinent: "These inheritors of rickets and exhausted physical frames made some of the most wonderful music of the century for us. Schubert was the most wonderful of them all, but Chopin runs him very close. ... He wrote less, far less than Schubert wrote; but, for the quantity he did write, its finish is miraculous.

A little cripple dragged behind it a deformed leg as it tried to crawl, and near by a child of five was beating the air with its thin arms in an exhausting nervous storm. Older children were also present, suffering from eye and ear trouble, epilepsy, rickets, any one of the ailments, grave or slight, to which growing life is subjected.

It is impossible to do anything for these diseases; there is no milk for the tuberculous, and no cod-liver oil for those suffering from rickets.... Tuberculosis is assuming almost unprecedented aspects, such as have hitherto only been known in exceptional cases.

The slighter forms of rickets show themselves in a tardy closure of the infant's head, which sweats profusely when the child is laid down to sleep; in big wrists, which contrast with the attenuated arms; in a general limpness of the whole body, and a bowing of the back under the weight of the head, which bends as a green stick would bend if a weight were placed upon it.

And it just so happened that that prize pear tree had a whopper on that year, and old man Bell couldn't talk of anything else. "Now there was an ugly galoot whose name isn't worth mentioning. He knew he wasn't in any way fit for Sue, and he liked pears about as well as Jim Rickets.

Evidences of tuberculosis, rickets and syphilis, according to these authors, have not been found.

Wholesome food, fresh air, sunlight, and exercise are also necessary to the proper development of the bones of children. Where these natural conditions are lacking, as in the crowded districts of cities, children often suffer from a disease known as "rickets," on account of which their bones are unnaturally soft and easily bent.