United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The Frostola man was still hangin' around when I started for town, and he hadn't moved when I got back. I did nothin' about him because I wanted to talk to you first. Took some time for the scoop to get there, but it certainly did the job." "And we're mighty grateful," Rick told the farmer. Scotty echoed him. "By the way, Mr. Belsely, was anything ever said about a second tunnel in the mine?"

Rick had joined in the enthusiasm for moving up the date of the Pegasus shoot, but as he gazed around the project he began to wonder if they hadn't all been carried away. There were parts and pieces everywhere. He couldn't begin to make heads or tails out of all the confusion. Fortunately, he didn't have to. Now that zero hour was closer, the confusion turned into order like a miracle.

If we turn left, we go deeper into the hill." Both boys saw the implication the moment the words left Rick's lips. "Right it is," Rick added quickly. "First thing we have to do is see if there really is a way out." They turned right into the cross tunnel, and met the breeze head on. So long as they followed the direction of the breeze, they were approaching the outside air.

There had to be a hole in it somewhere, but he hadn't found it yet. "Anyway, we have Ben Franklin on file cards and Barby has studied carefully to be the first contestant. Then what?" "Someone asks who Ben Franklin was, and I say that he started a chain of department stores," Barby said helpfully. "Not you," Rick denied. "You know all the right answers. And why?

The rockets fired only when high in the air, where people wouldn't notice." "Two did," Scotty reminded him. "Remember? We had two interviews where the people saw spurts of flame." "Sure," Rick agreed, "but they had no idea it was a rocket taking off from a balloon. And only two out of the whole bunch even noticed flame at all." Steve nodded. "You've hit it, Rick.

Youssef's words simply reinforced the conclusion he and Scotty already had reached. "Elements of value to a few people," Youssef had said. That might mean only a few people knew what the cat contained. If you didn't know, it was only a plastic cat. If you did know what it contained ... well, Youssef knew, and he wanted the cat badly enough to risk a kidnaping. Rick wondered where the cat was now.

From your questions, I see you still harbor suspicions. Was not Bartouki's word enough?" "It was," Rick said. "Only we'd like to know about these attacks. Who were the men, and why did they want the cat?" "Then my explanation does not seem sufficient. I am truly sorry, because we are in your debt. But I cannot tell you more, because I know no more.

"We've found some real fancy frogmen," Scotty observed. "This place looks like a high-priced show-room for diving gear." "Pretty plush," Rick agreed. They wandered back down to the beach and found that this area of the island was apparently more open to the sea. There were bits of flotsam, including coconuts that had washed in. The sea shells were larger, and they found a few worth picking up.

Then Rick saw his friend's silhouette, as a dark shape against the lesser darkness of the sky. At a guess Scotty was fifty feet up. "Hang on while I get a light!" Rick wondered if his pal was going all the way back to get one of the flashlights they had left behind in the precipitous chase. He wasn't worried about his ability to stay afloat.

In another place was a human foot and crumbling indications of a boot, but no signs of a body. A hay rick, half ashes, stood near the centre of the gorge. Workmen who dug about it to-day found a chicken coop, and in it two chickens, not only alive but clucking happily when they were released.