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For a second the crowd was gratified with a glimpse of a gaunt form, a star and ribbon; then, with a groan heard far through the awestruck silence, the invalid sank heavily into the chair, and was borne swiftly and silently into the house. Men looked at one another; but the fact was better than their fears.

"Why, you are a little simpleton to send your money the dear knows where, when you might buy a whole yard of this beautiful ribbon and have a penny left!" Charlotte looked wishfully at the ribbon, and sighed as she answered, "But I earned this money on purpose to give."

The Rinks had been flooded, and skating was going on with vigour; the snow was not quite in a satisfactory state as yet; but a few sleighs jingled merrily about with their bright bits of colour, the edging of fur robes and ribbon on the sleigh bells.

Her elder sister, Agnes, was standing half dressed before the mirror, holding the end of one blond braid between her teeth, while tying the other with a pink ribbon. Seeing that Carina was awake, she gave her a nod in the glass, and, removing her braid, observed that there evidently were sick pilgrims under the window.

He had not forgotten his boxing trick. The man turned his back and began to pace down the road. Skipper followed and picked up a riding-glove which the man dropped. "Doyle," said the man, as he walked back to the wagon, "two years ago that was the finest horse on the force took the blue ribbon at the Garden. Alderman Martin would give $1,000 for him as he stands. He has hunted the State for him.

"I will not!" she said aloud, defiantly, as though Miss Eliza were actually present in person forbidding the tying-on of that decoration, "I will not wear a blue ribbon! I will wear This!" Then Arethusa, thus arrayed in her best, descended the stairs once more. She crossed the library towards the two by the fire, this time stepping proudly in a consciousness of clothes, holding her head high.

Up in the ribbons she can't hardly keep her colors graduated no more, that's how blind she's getting. Only yesterday a dame brought back some lavender ribbon and wiped up the whole department with Dee Dee for putting it over on her as blue. What am I going to do?" "Honest, Miss Sadie, I didn't know that she was your aunt and that her eyes was bad.

They was so pleased that I couldn't help feeling proud myself, and I barked and leaped about so gay that all the bull-terriers in our street stretched on their chains and howled at me. "Just look at him!" says one of those I had beat. "What's he giving hisself airs about?" "Because he's got one blue ribbon!" says another of 'em.

Caillard could not get rid of his one absorbing idea, and he felt constantly unhappy because he had not the right to wear a little bit of colored ribbon in his buttonhole. When he met any men who were decorated, on the boulevards, he looked at them askance, with intense jealousy.

There were anchors and cables twisting about all over it, and stars and guns, and there was a full-rigged ship in front; while a little straw hat, which had been plaited and well lined, was stuck on the child's head in the most knowing of ways, with the name of the Terrible worked in gold letters on a ribbon round it.