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Miss Vesper can do all that's necessary. 'Even to inspiring the girls with zeal for an independent life? 'Perhaps even that. They went along by the waves, in the warm-coloured twilight, until the houses of Seascale were hidden. Then Everard stopped. 'To-morrow we go to Coniston? he said, smiling as he stood before her. 'You are going? 'Do you think I can leave you? Rhoda's eyes fell.

So the girls of Corridor Four at least, all those who had been aboard the electric car when Rhoda's self-possession had saved them from disaster were merely courteous to the girl from Rose Ranch, or smiled at her when they met, and kept deftly away from the exciting adventure in their conversation while Rhoda was near.

She beheld her face at times, and shivered. The face was so strange with its dark thick eyebrows, and peculiarly straight-gazing brown eyes; the level long red under-lip and curved upper; and the chin and nose, so unlike Dahlia's, whose nose was, after a little dip from the forehead, one soft line to its extremity, and whose chin seemed shaped to a cup. Rhoda's outlines were harder.

"The desert is like a story-book if one learns to read it. If you would be interested to learn, I would be keen to teach you." Rhoda's gray eyes lifted to the young man's somberly. "I'm too dull these days to learn anything," she said. "But I I didn't used to be! Truly I didn't! I used to be so alive, so strong! I believed in everything, myself most of all! Truly I did!"

He met Rhoda's keen old eyes without flinching; and the drawing-room looked very comfortable that wet evening at tea. After all, his visit to town had not been wholly a failure. He had burned quite a bushel of letters at his flat. A flat here he reached mechanically towards the worn volumes near the sofa a flat was a consuming animal.

He resumed the daily expeditions with Rhoda and Alchise which provided text for the girl's desert learning. Rhoda's old despondency, her old agony of prayer for immediate rescue had given way to a strange conflict of desires. She was eager for rescue, was conscious of a constant aching desire for her own people, and yet the old sense of outrage, of grief, of hopelessness was gone.

Dahlia tried to float out some fretting words for mercy, on one or other of her heavy breathings; but her brain was under lead. She had a thirst for Rhoda's praise in her desolation; it was sweet, though the price of it was her doing an abhorred thing. Abhorred?

Keep right behind me." The little group moved carefully down the cañon trail. In a short time they reached a growth of trees. They stole through these, the only sound Rhoda's panting breaths. Suddenly Kut-le stopped. "Wait here!" he breathed in Rhoda's ear, and he and Alchise disappeared. A hand was laid on her arm and Rhoda knew that Molly and Cesca were guarding her.

"He's got reason to feel this more 'n the rest of us, poor lad! It's a blow to him." With which the farmer struck his hand on Rhoda's shoulder. "I wish he'd set his heart on a safer young woman." Rhoda's shudder of revulsion was visible as she put her mouth up to kiss her father's cheek.

"If you will let me put my arm across your shoulder we can make it," he said as quietly as though his heart were not leaping. Rhoda's squaring of her slender shoulders was distractingly boyish.