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Remember that he did what he did, not for himself, but for us." "I'll try my best, but I don't feel now as if I could ever touch him again. And think what he has brought us to! Poverty, after just giving us the taste of wealth." The twins did not sleep much that night. Roy and Rex slept far into the morning, which was Saturday.

There's one 'n' too many. If you knock off the last one it makes him Santa 'holy'; but if you knock out the middle it's Satan. We don't knock out the same 'n', Jondo and me." Just then the little child came tumbling noisily into the room. "Look here, youngun. You can't be makin' a racket here," Rex said. The boy stared at him, impudently.

I would have walked on red-hot coals for his sake. "I want you to slip away to-night, when Rex and Bev are on guard, and find out what's over that ridge to the north. Don't come back till you do find out. We'll get to Pawnee Rock to-morrow. I must know to-night. Can you do it? If you aren't back by sunrise, I'll follow your trail double quick."

The arrangement of Pilate's superscription "Hic est Nazaren IHC rex judaeor" is unusual but not without precedent. The Harleian library contains no fewer than 300 MSS. of the Bible or parts of the Bible, written and illuminated between the seventh and the fourteenth centuries.

"Papa and mamma and aunt Davilow all wish her not to. They think it is not right for her." "Why should you suppose she is going to do what is not right?" "Gwendolen minds nobody sometimes," said Anna getting bolder by dint of a little anger. "Then she would not mind me," said Rex, perversely making a joke of poor Anna's anxiety. "Oh Rex, I cannot bear it. You will make yourself very unhappy."

And in like manner, that thereabout was a king's house, if not in the same place where Henry the First built the late standing pile before his; for in such days those great councils were commonly held in the King's palaces. Some of those lands have belonged to the orders of the Knights Templers, there being records which call them, Terras quas Rex excambiavit cum Templariis.

The eighteenth century still seems very near as we walk in those streets and look in, through the railings, at the ilex and laurel quincunxes, the lichened statues of that garden; and from the roof of the house still floats, creaking in the wind, regardless of the triumph of the Hanoverians, unconscious of the many banners which have been thrown, mere heaps of obsolete coloured tatters, on the dust-heap, a rusty metal weather-vane, bearing the initials of Carolus Rex, the last successor of the standard that was raised in Glenfinnan.

Ruth's face fell, and she lost her bright color. "But no! my dear!" said Madame. "Zere ees nossing ze mattaire. Your fazzer ees quite vell," and she hurried her indoors. Rex and Monsieur Bordier were left together on the platform. The amiable Frenchman did the honors as if it were a private salon. Monsieur the colonel was perfectly well. But perfectly!

Lettice threw up her hands with a little shriek of laughter. "Oh, how funny it was! I used to suck my thumb, Rex, until I was quite a big girl, six years old, I think, and one day mother spoke to me seriously, and said I really must give it up. If I didn't I was to be punished; if I did, I was to get a prize.

"Oh! supper, please!" said Rex, of the sun-browned face and laughing eyes.