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"You are filling up the measure of your iniquity. It is not enough that you drive your sister to despair; you revile your mother also! You say that we are furies; well, indeed, for we shall one day be such to you, and we will show you our Medusa-face, before which you will be stiffened to stone.

When I thought to make a book he laughed and said, "You are making to yourself a graven image." He held it idolatry to imagine that beautiful visions could be represented in words. "I shall not worship the book," I urged. "Other people may, or they may revile it," he answered, laughing. "It's the same sin."

The government was, as it could not but be and as the Jugurthine war had already shown, so utterly bankrupt in public opinion, that its ablest generals had to retire in the full career of victory, whenever it occurred to an officer of mark to revile them before the people and to get himself as the candidate of the opposition appointed by the latter to the head of affairs.

0 much-abused and highly-slandered passion! passion rather of the soul than the heart: hateful to the pseudo-moralist, but viewed with favouring, though not undiscriminating eyes by the true philosopher: bright-winged and august ambition! It is well for fools to revile thee, because thou art liable, like other utilities, to abuse!

To her cruel disappointment, the ministry took not the least notice of her. In vain she gave balls on Prince Charles Stuart's birthday, whom she called James III, made everybody curtsy to his portrait, which was placed in the main lobby of her house, and never failed to revile and ridicule the Elector of Hanover, as she called King George, and all his family.

"Faith," said Aramis, laughing, "we have praised the dead enough, let us revile the living a little; I should like to say something evil of Mazarin; is it permissible?" "Go on, go on," replied D'Artagnan, laughing heartily; "relate your story and I will applaud it if it is a good one."

Courtesy we did right to pay him, for our own sakes as a high and noble nation. What we could not punish judicially, it did not become us to revile. And finally, we much doubt whether hanging upon a tree, either in Napoleon's case or Sree's, would not practically have been found by both a happy liberation from that bitter cup of mortification which both drank off in their latter years.

As if a young fool had never before been bewitched by a fair face! 'Oh, my friends, my friends, cried Arsenius, 'why revile each other without cause? I, I only am to blame. I advised you, Pambo! I sent him I ought to have known what was I doing, old worldling that I am, to thrust the poor innocent forth into the temptations of Babylon? This comes of all my schemings and my plottings!

She was therefore declared guilty; she was sentenced to be scourged with the knout, to have her tongue torn out, and to be transported to Siberia! Elizabeth did not pardon her. She was a princess how, then, could she pardon one who had dared to revile her?

Even as did Palissy's of pottery fame wife, so did Goolahwilleel's family revile him. His freedom to wander at will, seeking inspiration and giving it form, was taken from him. He was driven out: daily to slay, that his family might feed, and never again was he let go alone a crowd of relations went with him!