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Jimmy never forced it upon us, and I cannot remember any paragraphs in the London correspondence of the provincial papers coupling his name with Saturday articles. On the other hand, I distinctly recall having to wait one day in his chambers while Jimmy was shaving, and noticing accidentally a long, bulky envelope on his table, with the Saturday Review's mystic crest on it.

I saw a review of it rather a satisfactory one I think in an August number of the 'Athenaeum. If you will look into 'Fraser's Magazine' for August, at an article entitled 'Rogueries of Tom Moore, you will be amused with a notice of the 'Edinburgh Review's' criticism in the text, and of yourself in a note.

These officers are from the highest social rank in England, the governing classes; and if it were the whole object of this military organization to give a visible proof of the utter absurdity of the "Saturday Review's" theory, it could not be better done.

Mark Twain at last sees that the SATURDAY REVIEW'S criticism of his INNOCENTS ABROAD was not serious, and he is intensely mortified at the thought of having been so badly sold. This is ingenious, but unfortunately it is not true. The above is from the Cincinnati ENQUIRER, and is a falsehood. Come to the proof. I offer Sheldon & Co., publishers, 500 Broadway, New York, as my "backers."

Millicent was pleased with his indignation, but his disgusted expression changed as he read the next cutting. "Now," he exclaimed, "we're arriving at the sound sense of ordinary people, lovers of nature who're not naturalists. This man's enthusiastic; the next review's even better!" He took up the others and there was keen satisfaction in his eyes when he laid them down. "Great!" he ejaculated.

The term "Literature" has, no doubt, come to be employed in a loose sense. This would seem to indicate that we may have nay, are already possessed of an American Literature, composed of American materials, provided only that we consent to adopt the Saturday Review's conception of what literature is.

It is further presumed, that every good man is formed to the habit of reflection; that he often enters into himself by a serious attention to his state; considers his temper; review's his conduct, and brings both to the divine standard, that he may know himself, and reform whatever is amiss.

His life, unlike Shelley's, was devoted entirely to art, and was uneventful, its only incidents an unhappy love-affair, and the growth, hastened by disappointed passion and the 'Quarterly Review's' contemptuous attack on his work, of the consumption which killed him at the age of twenty-six. He was sent to Italy as a last chance.

From Paris, I went with de Reviere to Nantes, thence to Nazarre, where I stayed two days with de Review's sister."