United States or Guinea-Bissau ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I've had enough of this monkey business. Now gimme that gun, I tell ye, or I'll come back with more of 'em and take it!" He raised his voice to a roar, muffled to a beast-like hoarseness by his swollen jaws, and the ramada reverberated like a cavern as he bellowed out his challenge. Then the door was snatched violently open and Jefferson Creede stepped forth, looking black as hell itself.

"You are rapidly bringing me to 'tell the truth and shame the devil. Oh, he must be dying of mortification this evening!" She struck a great crashing chord, holding the keys while the strings reverberated and echoed down slowly into silence again. "It isn't fair," she went on, "for you big simple men to disarm us. I don't care! I have my private opinion of such brute strength.

"Did I not tell thee, Mr Mayor," said the Governor, in a voice that reverberated among the walls, and fell distinctly on Hume's ear, "that she would be about the fortifications? Ha! anything appertaining to war delighteth the fair creature as much as it did that rare author, Will Shakspeare's Desdemona.

It was bordered on each side with rocks and precipices, between which the rumbling of the chariot wheels was reverberated with a noise like rolling thunder. The trees and bushes that grew in the crevices of the rocks had very dismal foliage; and by and by, although it was hardly noon, the air became obscured with a gray twilight.

The sun overhead reverberated rays of heat; the staring sand, the glaring lagoon, tortured our eyes; and the birds and the boom of the far-away breakers made a savage symphony. "I don't require to tell you the game's up?" Nares asked. "No," said I. "I was thinking of getting to sea to-morrow," he pursued. "The best thing you can do," said I. "Shall we say Honolulu?" he inquired.

At the same instant sportsmen and geese beheld each other. The guns flew to the shoulders of the former; the angle was thrown into dire confusion, and the woods and cliffs reverberated with two shots, which crashed forth at the same moment. Trumpeting and screaming, the scattered flock passed on, and the hunters pushed out from the bank to pick up two plump birds which lay dead upon the water.

He goes on to tell how myth rose like an exhalation round his memory: how legends of "a giant piling up hecatombs by a mighty slaughter" reverberated through mansion and cottage, town and village, cathedral and church; until thousands of volunteers rushed to arms that they might go where young Kireeff had gone.

There were, at first, some distant rumours of a rupture, which vanished quickly amid the entertainments and festivities of winter, but soon returned with increased insistence; and became almost certainties as a result of a serious event, the echoes of which reverberated throughout Europe.

Land sakes, HURRY! Do you suppose I want anybody to know I'm here?" The lightkeeper closed the door. The clang reverberated through the tower like distant thunder. The visitor started nervously. "Mercy!" she exclaimed; "what a racket! What made you slam it?" "Didn't," grumbled Seth. "Any kind of a noise sounds up in here." "I should think as much. It's enough to wake the dead."

The Avenger commenced firing an occasional gun from her broadside, the reports of which were hardly to be heard by those on board of the frigate; while the long-gun of the Enterprise reverberated along the water, and its loud resonance was swept by the wind to the frigate to leeward.