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Among the Jews faith in another life was neither general nor clear; but they were led to it by faith in a personal and living God, the formation of which faith comprises all their spiritual history. Jahwé, the Judaic God, began by being one god among many others the God of the people of Israel, revealed among the thunders of the tempest on Mount Sinai.

Bancroft, in summing up the great features of this State, says very concisely that: "It was the common judgment of the first explorers that there was more of the strange and awful in the scenery and topography of Idaho than of the pleasing and attractive. A more intimate acquaintance with the less conspicuous features of the country revealed many beauties.

His mother was far too clever a woman to waste her time in that way. Her first words told him that his motive was as plainly revealed to her as the sunlight shining in at the window. "That's a charming girl," she said, when Carmina closed the door behind her. "Modest and natural quite the sort of girl, Ovid, to attract a clever man like you."

But I should not have thought so had I known what was still to be revealed to me before the dawn of another day, and in the months that followed, during which that house and its echoing groves were my home.

He knew the fellow for one that the village of Edom called "daft" or "queer," yet held to be harmless to be rather amusing, indeed, since he could be provoked to deliver curious harangues upon the subject of revealed religion.

"Huh!" returned Condy. "As long as she SAID she was thirty-one, you can bet everything you have that she is; that's as true as revealed religion." "Well, it's something to have seen the kind of people who write the personals," said Blix. "I had always imagined that they were kind of tough." "You see they are not," he answered. "I told you they were not.

The scratch of a striking light was heard, and a bright glow radiated from the interior of the building. The light gave birth to dancing leaf-shadows, stem-shadows, lustrous streaks, dots, sparkles, and threads of silver sheen of all imaginable variety and transience. It awakened gnats, which flew towards it, revealed shiny gossamer threads, disturbed earthworms.

Had this veil been over him from his birth? this veil, under which far more of his spirit was hidden than revealed, and through which he so imperfectly discerned the actual world, or was its gray texture woven of some dark calamity? Phoebe loved no riddles, and would have been glad to escape the perplexity of this one.

He remained stock still for some seconds, listening to the retreating footsteps of the strong-minded person who had beaten him. It was his habit to visualize for future reference the features and demeanor of people in whom he was interested, and of whom circumstances permitted only the merest glimpse. This woman's face had revealed annoyance rather than fear.

But, mark my words," he exclaimed emphatically, "a time will come when every school-girl will see, what my life is made a burden to me for seeing now, the absurdity of the whole religious superstition." "O doctor!" Mrs. Caldwell cried, "surely you believe in God?" "God has not revealed Himself to me, madam; I know nothing about Him," the old gentleman answered gently.