United States or Vatican City ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

"Yes, ma'am, but not then,-he was gone;" said Cecilia, endeavouring, but not very successfully, to speak with composure. "I had the honour," cried Delvile, making, with equal success, the same attempt, "to wait upon Miss Beverley to the little gate; and I was then returning to Lady Honoria when I met her ladyship just coming in."

A few words only reached him; but he heard enough to be convinced that they were discussing a plan to take possession of the fort, but its details he was unable to make out. He had gone round the camp, and while returning on the side opposite to that from which he had set off, had fallen in with Norman. "We must take care to be doubly vigilant, then," said Captain Mackintosh.

Not that he isn't capable of it on the contrary, he's one of the few men I can think of who is." At this point in the conversation Honora thought that her curiosity had gone far enough. She was returning on foot from the bank in Thames Street, where she had deposited her legacy, when she met him who had been the subject of her conversation with Mrs. Shorter.

But in a minute more came the gathering noise of returning footsteps, and presently Lady's head appeared over the crown of the bridge; then rose Eccles, leading her in grim silence; and next came Richard, pale and bleeding, betwixt two men, each holding him by an arm; the rest of the guard crowded behind.

He had never had a sister, and he regarded Alice as a legacy from his only brother, to whom he had been most tenderly attached: had she been uninteresting, she would still have been very dear to him; but her beauty and her many graces of appearance and character drew closely together the bonds of love between them; Alice returning, with the utmost warmth, her uncle's affection. Mrs.

"It is for you, sir, but it cannot possibly be anything about " Mr Asplin tore open the envelope, glanced over the words, and broke into an exclamation of amazement. "It is! It is from Peggy herself! `Euston Station. Returning by 10.30 train. Please meet me at twelve o'clock. Peggy. What in the world does it mean?"

It was nearly two months after Conrad Lagrange had introduced the young man at the house on Fairlands Heights. The hour was late. The painter returning from a dinner and an evening at the Taine home found the novelist, with pipe and dog, in a deserted corner of the hotel veranda.

God forgives without any sacrifice; his love and his desire to meet with love surpass all that human relationships can show; his constancy is like that of the returning seasons, or of the stars. He yearns over Israel as a father over a wayward son, and will leave nothing undone that he can do to bring his son back to him. He will alter all his former plans to bring about that result.

For the returning son, as well as for the fig-eater, he found a suitable model. True, the best was at his disposal for his Demeter."

That was not the worst: once a certain drunken squire had a sword fight in Wilno with Domejko and received two wounds; later that squire, returning home from Wilno, by a strange chance took the same boat as Dowejko.