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You keep your men on the job. An' if you got another drop of whiskey " "The bottle's where you put it," retorted Woods. "Under your pillow." Blenham rolled on his side, slipping his hand under his pillow.

I want to invoke every kind of blessing on them, grave and gay, great and small. I want them all their lives to be supremely good and supremely happy as husband and wife, as father and mother. And now I want my tea." "You only asked for it just in time," the lady retorted. "How dare you be serious at Windy Corner?" He took his tone from her.

"It's funny to watch him." "Pooh! I knew that," retorted Jenny Wren. "What do you suppose my eyes are make for? I thought you were going to tell me something I didn't know." Peter looked disappointed. For a while Jenny Wren was too busy to talk save to scold Mr. Wren for spending so much time singing instead of working.

''Ord, hang it, you'll never lie at earth such a day as this! exclaimed Sponge, looking out on the bright, sunny landscape. 'Got a great deal to do, retorted Jog, who, like all thoroughly idle men, was always dreadfully busy. He then dived into a bundle of rough sticks, and proceeded to select one to fashion into the head of Mr. Hume.

"What makes ye think that?" the captain somewhat anxiously asked. "Oh, certain things have made me come to the conclusion that the girl did not drown herself. It would be a most unlikely thing for Miss Randall to do. She is not that kind." "H'm, that's no reason," the captain retorted. "Ye never know these days what notions gals'll take." "I believe you are right," and the young man smiled.

"I suppose you'd hardly expect to have them both," remarked the other mildly. "I certainly won't have Elsie Pritchard by herself!" Miss Pritchard retorted. Then she laughed at herself, though ruefully. "Ah, that accounts for the five hundred dollars!" she exclaimed suddenly. "I don't understand what you mean," murmured Mrs. Moss plaintively.

If you ever do that again, I'll tell your mother! Suppose the house took fire with you locked in here." "I'd know enough to unlock the door, wouldn't I?" retorted the girl. The nurse went to the bed and threw back the sheets to air them. Then, in angry amazement, she exclaimed: "You've had that dirty beast in the bed! Now don't tell me a story."

Hilmer called out to her. "Your husband doesn't seem to count you in at all." Helen was erasing a misspelled word. "Married women are used to that," she retorted, flippantly. "Sometimes it's just as well that they overlook us. We get a chance to play our own hand once in a while." Everybody laughed, including Fred, but the effort hurt him.

"My blood on your hands!" he exclaimed, morbidly. "German blood!" "Kurt, you're out of your head," retorted Lenore, hotly. "If you dare to say that again I'll " She broke off. "What will you do?" Lenore faltered. What would she do? A revelation must come, sooner or later, and the strain had begun to wear upon her. She was stirred to her depths, and instincts there were leaping.

"And you are the 'Cap'n'?" retorted Miss Ruth. Here the Major, as he would have phrased it, "caught on." "She said yer was a gentleman what wouldn't a-smoked before ladies, she did," volunteered Joey. Miss Ruth blushed and laughed and blushed again. "Well, he wouldn't, Joey," she reiterated stoutly. Whereupon the boyishly smooth face of Mr.