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It may be imagined, that this part of the retina was become insensible to white light, and thence a bluish spectrum became visible on all luminous objects; but as a yellowish spectrum was also seen in the closed and covered eye, there can remain no doubt of this being the spectrum of the sun. A similar appearance was observed by M. Æpinus, which he acknowledges he could give no account of. Com.

Then she dropped her arms, and came back to Kingozi's side. Again it was like magic, the sudden blotting out of the slim human figure, the substitution of the draped form as she moved from the light into the shadow. But on Kingozi's retina remained the vision of her as she was. He shifted, caught his breath. As she came near him his hand closed over hers, bringing her to a halt.

When we look long and attentively at any object, the eye cannot always be kept entirely motionless; hence, on inspecting a circular area of red silk placed on white paper, a lucid crescent or edge is seen to librate on one side or other of the red circle: for the exterior parts of the retina sometimes falling on the edge of the central silk, and sometimes on the white paper, are less fatigued with red light than the central part of the retina, which is constantly, exposed to it; and therefore, when they fall on the edge of the red silk, they perceive it more vividly.

Then, those large eyes, with that capacity for reflecting light, are common features of nocturnal things witness the owl and the cat. And last of all, that evident confusion in the sunshine, that hasty yet fumbling awkward flight towards dark shadow, and that peculiar carriage of the head while in the light all reinforced the theory of an extreme sensitiveness of the retina.

He might even have seen the shadow of another bier cast upon the retina of his father's sight. He might have seen through his father's watching the memory of another man who had once lain on the very spot where Isador Framberg was lying, a man who had died for his country after he had lived to set his country among the free nations of the earth.

In exp. d. the colours being the reverse of each other, the scattered rays from the exterior object falling on the central parts of the eye, and there exciting their direct spectrum, at the same time that the retina was excited into a reverse spectrum by the central object, and this direct and reverse spectrum being of similar colour, the superior brilliancy of this spectrum was produced.

I refer to the apparent transfer of impressions from one retina to the other, to which I have given the name reflex vision. The idea was suggested to me in consequence of certain effects noticed in employing the stereoscope.

There are two different ways of doing this viz., first, by increasing the amount of light received, by means of telescopes of great aperture; and secondly, by employing an artificial retina a thousand times more sensitive than the human.

If we can see and handle a thing, and yet not be able to hold that subtile property of generic existence, by which, one table being made, an infinite class is created, so real that tables may actually be modelled on it, and yet so indefinite that you cannot set your hand on any table or collection of tables and say, 'It is here, if we can be absolutely conscious that we see the table, and yet have no idea how its image reflected on our retina can produce that absolute consciousness, does not the table grow dim and misty, and slip far away out of reach, of apprehension, much more of comprehension?"

May not muscular fibres exist in the retina for this purpose, which may be less minute than the locomotive muscles of microscopic animals? May not these muscular actions of the retina constitute the sensation of light and colours; and the voluntary repetitions of them, when the object is withdrawn, constitute our memory of them?