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The propagation of life involved, then, declension from pure vitality, and to diffuse being meant to dilute it with nothingness. This declension might take place in infinite degrees, each retaining some vestige of perfection mixed, as it were, with a greater and greater proportion of impotence and nonentity.

'Here's to his good voyage! said one of the seamen, drinking; 'a squally night he's got, however, to drift through the sky in. We omit here various execrations with which these honest gentlemen garnished their discourse, retaining only such of their expletives as are least offensive. ''A does not mind wind and weather; 'a has had many a north- easter in his day.

But the mob, still retaining its position and threatening attitude, another force, a little later, consisting of only twelve men, was sent up. This was worse than nothing, and as the little handful marched solemnly up, the crowd broke out into derisive laughter, and all sorts of contemptuous epithets were heaped upon them.

But by the summer of 1863 these "public" persons made less noise in the land than they had made in the days of McClellan; and though political considerations could never be wholly suppressed, the question of retaining or displacing a general no longer divided parties, or superseded, and threatened to wreck, the vital question of the war.

So, when teachers or masters become troublesome and inefficient when, in short, the interests of the school would suffer from their retaining their places I mind my knitting, events progress, circumstances glide past; I see one which, if pushed ever so little awry, will render untenable the post I wish to have vacated the deed is done the stumbling-block removed and no one saw me: I have not made an enemy, I am rid of an incumbrance."

Westward of them, for a couple of hundred miles, are the labyrinthine roughs of West Virginia and eastern Kentucky. In southwestern Virginia the Blue Ridge and the Alleghanies coalesce, but soon spread apart again, the Blue Ridge retaining its name, as well as its general character, although much loftier and more massive than in the north.

After this affectionate preface she proceeded to intimate her desire that the Earl should take the matter as nearly as possible into his own hands. It was her wish that he should retain the authority of absolute governor, but if it could be so arranged that he should dispense with the title, retaining only that of her lieutenant-general.

The millions of the people are eager for the Constitution, are proud of their power as a nation, and are ambitious of national greatness. But they are not, as I think, especially desirous of retaining political influences in their own hands. At many of the elections it is difficult to induce them to vote.

Lord Grey was naturally very anxious to conciliate Brougham, and looked with much dread to the prospect of Brougham breaking off from the negotiations altogether and retaining his seat in the House as an independent critic of the Ministry.

In his Mutualist system he tried to make Capital less offensive, notwithstanding the retaining of private property, which he detested from the bottom of his heart, but which he believed to be necessary to guarantee individuals against the State. Neither is it astonishing that certain economists, more or less bourgeois, admit labour-cheques.