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As the result of this summons, Louis received a moderate sum of money, on condition of renouncing for the moment an attack upon the city. With this temporary supply he was able to retain a larger number of the adventurers; who were daily swarming around him. In the mean time Alva was not idle.

Sometimes he laughed, loudly, immoderately and coarsely; but this was only when intoxicated, a condition which had long ceased to be unusual with him. He continued to retain an aversion to his wives; so much so that the royal harem was to be left behind in Susa, though all his court took their favorite wives and concubines with them on the campaign.

After that, James no longer felt eager to plunge into a war on behalf of the pretender: but was inclined to retain him as a political asset. When, in the following year , Charles VIII. with a precisely similar object in view offered him a considerable sum if he would send his guest over to France, the Scots King declined.

His consort has cost him half his vision; his castle has cost him his affections; and the attempt to retain both has cost him his honor. On every side he is shackled and bound, dependent on the laws of Fricka and on the lies of Loki, forced to traffic with dwarfs for handicraft and with giants for strength, and to pay them both in false coin. After all, a god is a pitiful thing.

The orphan Camilla, who has been reared in yonder castle with her, as her sister, is in danger during all these last minutes which still retain her from his arms.

Among the many differences which exist between the sexes this might, perhaps, be mentioned, that while it is beautiful for a man to grow oldgrow old with the passage of years—a woman to retain her charm must always remain young. In a deep sense woman may be said to have but one paramount charm, youth, and when this is gone all is gone.

This is the Christian region of Lebanon, inhabited almost wholly by Maronites, who still retain a portion of their former independence, and are the most thrifty, industrious, honest, and happy people in Syria.

"The reformers of that time were most bitter against the clergy for their double treason to humanity and Christianity, in opposing instead of supporting the Revolution; but time has tempered harsh judgments of every sort, and it is rather with deep pity than with indignation that we look back on these unfortunate men, who will ever retain the tragic distinction of having missed the grandest opportunity of leadership ever offered to men.

Women often use semi-religious expressions like "Oh dear," or "Oh Lord." Men of the lower classes retain their favorite oaths remarkably. Sometimes the phrases ejaculated are meaningless, as in Broca's celebrated case.

"Why should you wish to possess this bauble? It can be of no use to you in the life you are about to enter, even if the rules of our order would permit you to retain it, which you know they would not." "Mother! it was my father's ring! It was a part of the property stolen from him on the night of his murder," solemnly answered Salome. "Holy saints! can that be true?" exclaimed the abbess.