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By the time the butcher's heaved in a lot o' bone, and made you pay for the suet he cuts away, it comes to the same thing, and why not GIT it from the rest'rant first off, and save the cost o' your fire? s'd I." "What have you got there under your apron?

She a'n't over and above strong, and I'm afraid she'll be sick; there a'n't any rest'rant at our depot." Westover fancied this a fit mood in Mrs. Durgin for her further instruction, and he said: "And if you'll excuse me, Mrs. Durgin, I don't think what you did was quite the way to keep a hotel." More tears flashed into Mrs. Durgin's eyes, but they were tears of wrath now.

'tain't no rest'rant," said the child. "It's just Mother Beasley's hash-house." "Goodness!" gasped Bess. "Is it a nice place?" The girl grinned. "'Cordin' ter what you thinks is nice. I 'spect you'd like the Auditorium Annex better. But Mother Beasley's is pretty good when you ain't got much to spend." Bess looked at Nan curiously.

"Oh, it hurts a little," declared Johnnie, "but I don't mind. Say, how's the cross horse?" One half of the apple scraped, Johnnie ate the red shell of it. "And have y' been to the rest'rant again? And I s'pose all them white-dressed men and ladies, they can eat all they want to of ev'ry kind of de-licious things!" One-Eye 'lowed they could.

He couldn't afford a real rest'rant; but Chaffey's looks the same, and Chaffey's is cheap. To hear 'em ordering roast fowl and Camumbeer cheese to follow it fair sickens me. Roast fowl! a old 'en as wouldn't be good enough for a real rest'rant to make inter soup! And the Camumbeer! I've got my private idea, Louisa, about what that Camumbeer is made of.

Right the evening before he got hurt he had his dinner at some miser'ble rest'rant down by the Pump Works, he was so set on overseein' the night work and gettin' everything finished up right to the minute he told papa he would. I reckon you might 'a' put in more time with Jim if there'd been more opportunity, Bibbs. I expect you feel almost as if you scarcely really knew him right well."

Thoughts I, now, if I could come acrosst a nicet little openin', somethink in the rest'rant line, that's what 'ud sewt me jest about down to the ground. I'm cut out for it see? I've got the practical experience, and I've got the capital; and as soon as I got a squint of this little corner shop understand what I mean?

The guy ain't got enough meat on his bones for a rest'rant chicken. Honest to God, he looked like he'd been through a mile o' sausage mill. But crazy as a bedbug. And there's somethin' about a crazy man "'Hold y'r gab! says he. To me! That gets my goat. "'Just for that, says I, 'you can get out o' this station. And don't forget to take your woman along with you. Get out!

She a'n't over and above strong, and I'm afraid she'll be sick; there a'n't any rest'rant at our depot." Westover fancied this a fit mood in Mrs. Durgin for her further instruction, and he said: "And if you'll excuse me, Mrs. Durgin, I don't think what you did was quite the way to keep a hotel." More tears flashed into Mrs. Durgin's eyes, but they were tears of wrath now.

"There's a rest'rant in the next block," replied the clerk, instantly impressed. Here was one who obviously was not "alike." "A two-minutes' walk, Mr. Barnes." "That's good. We will have supper in Miss Thackeray's room. Let me have your pencil, please. Send over and have them fill this order inside of twenty minutes." He handed what he had written to the blinking clerk. "For eight persons.