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I like a boat with plenty of room for the ladies to be comfortable." "Well, I reckon she's the best boat on Whitecap pond," responded the man, while his small eyes twinkled shrewdly. "Just humour her a bit, and I reckon she'll go where anything of her size will. She's seen some rough times on this pond." The appearance of the Flyaway seemed to bear out this statement.

Miller responded to this suggestion and I replied: "Gentlemen, New York has given to me its cordial and practically unanimous support, and I have felt under the circumstances that I should follow and not lead. The situation which has grown out of this discussion here eliminates two candidates. Without the aid of Senator Platt and his friends, Mr. Sherman could not carry New York.

He still found strength to smile at them, saying: "Well, children, have you come to an understanding?" "Yes, undoubtedly," responded Ramond, as agitated as himself. "Then it is all settled?" "Quite," said Clotilde, who had been seized by a faintness. Pascal walked over to his work-table, supporting himself by the furniture, and dropped into the chair beside it.

"'But they are some way off still! I said. "'That is so, he responded, 'but wolves run quick, and our horses are tired. If we can reach the lake first we shall be all right, but should they overtake us before we get there and he shrugged his great shoulders suggestively. 'Not another word, I cried. 'Drive drive as if 'twere the devil himself.

He made an effort to carry the tumbler which he was holding to his lips, but his nerves and muscles refused to act. Here, we may as well say that this man's name was Tom Soher. "What's the matter, Tom?" said one of the men. "Nothing," responded he, making use of a very old form of lie. At this reassuring statement, the company resumed their conversation, and their drink.

They're in the air, you know." "I haven't come across them," said the old lady. "I fear I live a very quiet life except for picking over sphagnum moss." "Oh, well! There's no hurry." "Well, I shall tell my nephew what I've seen," said the old lady. "Good-bye." "Good-bye," responded the young; and, picking up her yellow book, she got back into the hammock and relighted her cigarette.

In reply to our inquiries about Guaccanarillo, the natives responded, as far as could be understood, that they were not subjects of his, but of a chief who was there present; they likewise declared they understood that Guaccanarillo had left the coast to take refuge in the mountains.

"Oh, but I must talk indoors," responded Will; "the night makes me creepy it always did." "So there is something to say, and it's no nonsense? Are the skies about to fall, or has your grandfather got a grip on his temper?" "Pshaw! It's not that. Wait till we get inside."

"May I say a word to the boys, Mr Sibery?" said the doctor, smiling. "Certainly, sir." "Will you call for silence?" The master called, and the doctor asked the lads to give their old schoolfellow a cheer as he was going away. They responded with a shout that made the windows rattle.

The grand old Constitution seemed to anticipate every wish of her commander and responded with a promptness that could not have been surpassed. The discipline of the crew was perfect, and, after all, therefore, it is little wonder that one of the last acts of the famous ship was the most brilliant of them all.