United States or Niger ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

'James and me are going to stand the racket it won't hurt you either in credit or in pocket, and I don't see what you've got to be shirty about. It wasn't exactly what you might call a legirrimate transaction, but there are lots of things in business that are not legirrimate. See 'em done every day see 'em done by respec'able people.

"I'm not going to hear my father called a beast," said John, with a beating heart, feeling that he risked the last sound rivet of the chain that bound him to life. But Alan was quite good-natured. "All right, old fellow," said he. "Mos' respec'able man your father." And he introduced his friend to his companions as "old Nicholson the what-d'ye-call-um's son." John sat in dumb agony.

''Tis the charac'er they'll be on about, he said, laughing and showing an even set of white teeth; 'they looks at the clothes and shakes their wise 'eads! "Must have a respec'able by," they says; but bless'd if I don't mike more some dys than some blokes dos if they works a week on hend!

'I'm not going to hear my father called a beast, said John with a beating heart, feeling that he risked the last sound rivet of the chain that bound him to life. But Alan was quite good-natured. 'All right, old fellow, said he. 'Mos' respec'able man your father. And he introduced his friend to his companions as 'old Nicholson the what-d'ye-call-um's son. John sat in dumb agony.

They would soon spoil your good manners, and you wouldn't be respec'able any more." "I didn't ask to associate with them," replied Billina. "It is that cross old Princess who is to blame. But I was raised in the United States, and I won't allow any one-horse chicken of the Land of Ev to run over me and put on airs, as long as I can lift a claw in self-defense." "Very well, Billina," said Dorothy.