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In his private apartments on board there were his own complete plans of the campaign not only for the conquest of Britain, but afterwards for the dismemberment of the British Empire, and its partition among the Allies exact accounts of the resources of the chief European nations in men, money and ships, plans of fortifications, and even drafts of treaties.

Blake, junior, was left to his own resources; and finding nothing better to do, he accepted a shilling from a friendly serjeant, and entered Her Majesty's service as a full private. In process of time he married a wife a real jewel, from that "gem of the sea" so dear to poor old England and accompanied his regiment to Van Dieman's Land, en route to India.

There has been a good deal of talk in our day about the saloon as a social necessity. About all there is to that is that the saloon is there, and the necessity too. Man is a social animal, whether he lives in a tenement or in a palace. But the palace has resources; the tenement has not. It is a good place to get away from at all times. The saloon is cheery and bright, and never far away.

As the first Confederate battery advanced, this great array of artillery, which had been for some time comparatively quiet, reopened with vigour, and, to use Jackson's words, "so completely swept our front as to satisfy me that the proposed movement should be abandoned." But he was not yet at the end of his resources. A strong position, which cannot be turned, is not always impregnable.

The Secretary of the Interior should not be compelled to lease oil lands of the Osage Indians when the market is depressed and the future supply is in jeopardy. While the area of lands remaining in public ownership is small, compared with the vast area in private ownership, the natural resources of those in public ownership are of immense present and future value.

The cook had been companionable in his own peculiar way and a very convenient friend indeed; but, after all, I could get along very well on my own resources. The difference that a change of officers makes in the life and spirit of a ship's crew is surprising to one unfamiliar with the sea.

In spite of all, however, more than a score of native tribes have been subdued by only a few thousand civilized men, the republic has preserved its integrity, and there has been handed down through the years a tradition of constitutional government. The Place and the People The resources of Liberia are as yet imperfectly known.

Profoundly impressed with the vast extent and unbounded resources of the countries described in Cartier's narrative, the king decided to assume the sovereignty of this new land, and to send out for further discovery an expedition of some magnitude.

So wonderful are Browning's resources in casuistry, and so cunningly does he ravel the intricate motives at play in this tragedy and lay bare the secrets of the heart, that the interest increases at each repetition of the tale.

The experience of three thousand years had educated society to feel the vastness of Nature, and the infinity of her resources of power, but even this increase of attraction had not yet caused economies in its methods of pursuit.