United States or Colombia ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The money was all gone. He was stripped to the last dollar in his money belt and of his hidden resources. "They did me!" he choked. "They got all I had!" "They didn't kill you," Terabon said. "You're lucky. How did they bang you and knock you out?" "Why, I found they had my guns on board " "And you accused them?" "No! I just said they were mine, I was surprised!" "Then?" "My light went out."

The grain when brought into the camp was deposited in an immense granary, and sold to the army at a fixed price, which was never either raised or lowered. Incredible were the expenses incurred in these supplies, but the queen had ghostly advisers thoroughly versed in the art of getting at the resources of the country.

From that day forward, France, menaced upon its frontiers, constrained to appropriate all its resources to its own safety, became an obstacle and a permanent peril to Spain. The former compromised the Spanish monarchy by its military operations, and far more gravely still by its diplomatic negotiations.

What resources therefore could remain to him? The marriage of his daughter had been the means of liberating him from two millions of contributions-at most; the rest had been required with the kind of justice of which the other is so easily capable, and which consists in treating his friends and his enemies alike: from this proceeded the penury of the treasury.

Different speakers deplored this tendency to arouse sectional animosities; to array the older States, which had made such improvements from their own resources, against the new States, which would presumably be the sole gainers by government aid. Clay was the leader of the Western section. He saw in the situation possibilities of building up a great following for this American idea.

His ghastly looks is all there is against en, poor feller; but we can't help our looks, you know, sir." "True: we cannot. You live with your mother, I think, Leaf?" The tranter looked at Leaf to express that the most friendly assistant to his tongue could do no more for him now, and that he must be left to his own resources. "Yes, sir: a widder, sir.

Americans did not prophesy, as more than one voice out of Europe itself had of late done, that the United States would some day cross the Atlantic as a conqueror. This, indeed, was a somewhat natural thought. The Old World reeled under its crushing burden of national debts and military taxes, and in material resources could not long compete with us, free from such burdens.

Now we've done it," Jo thought, as the mountains sent back the fearful report in decreasing echoes. We seemed to wait an eternity, and then "something white" happened far beyond the village. The officers looked at each other with long faces. "A bad miss the expense." We felt the resources of the Montenegrin Empire were tottering. Awful! Could they afford another?

It would not appear to be impossible to reconcile the action of private investment and private enterprise with this concept of the right of the wage earners to exert control over the policy of production, in so far as they can establish the fact that human or material resources are not being well applied the general interest being the test.

Were it not for the fact that I have exhausted all reasonable resources to this end, and have found all of you trustworthy except one, I would not now be disclosing the plan which I have been pursuing." The three others, who had been gazing at the crestfallen one, now stared at their leader with a startled interest.