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There was a young girl who had fainted, and two men who were supporting her; and there were a dozen others crowding toward the front door. Suddenly, however, there came a series of resounding blows upon it, causing the crowd to give back. At the same instant a stout woman, with painted cheeks and diamonds in her ears, came running down the stairs, panting breathlessly: "To the rear! Quick!"

The fire was burning on the hearth, the great dog was snoring in front of it, and the clock was ticking, as regularly as a heart beating, in its resounding wooden case. He waited, with his ears on the alert for distant sounds, and he shivered when the wind blew against the roof and the walls.

The action is very similar to that of the last act of Gounod's "Faust." Mephistopheles urges Faust away as the day dawns, and pronounces her doom as she falls and dies, while the angelic chorus resounding in the orchestra announces her salvation. In the fourth act a most abrupt change is made, both in a dramatic and musical sense.

In addition to the regular police force and fire department, there is a system of night watchmen, called bekjees, who walk their respective beats throughout the night, carrying staves heavily shod with iron, with which they pound the flagstones with a resounding "thwack."

Grasshopper, with blessings showered on him until he was fairly out of sight, set forth with good heart. He thought he heard loud laughter resounding after him in the direction of the lodge of the two old men; but it could not have been the two old men, for they were, certainly, too old to laugh.

Finally, wakened by the resounding cries of these birds, Bearwarden and Cortlandt arose, and meeting Ayrault, who had already risen, mistook the snowy form before them for the spirit, and thinking the dead bishop had revisited them, they were preparing to welcome him, and to propound the questions they had formulated, when Ayrault's familiar voice showed them their mistake.

A sudden roar of thunder resounding overhead comes as a fit adjunct to the despair embodied in them. All nature is awake, and the air seems full of its death-knells. Portia, sick at heart, moves silently away. "If you have tears, prepare to shed them now." Julius Cæsar. "Eyes, look your last; Arms, take your last embrace!" Romeo and Juliet.

'Nah, then, you , remarked Mathews unfeelingly, catching the old beast a resounding thump on the rump with a stick he carried. 'That'll learn you, you old hulk o' misery. 'There's a beautiful mare, said the American, pausing at the stall of a superb charger whose graceful limbs and shapely neck spoke of speed and spirit. 'Ah! Now that there is a beauty and no mistake.

'There was no marquis at the window. Stop him, I say. 'He's gone, said Eccles quietly, but with waking uneasiness. 'Run after him, Dorothy almost screamed. 'Stop him at the gate. It is young Heywood of Redware, one of the busiest of the round-heads. Eccles was already running and shouting and whistling. She heard his feet resounding from the bridge.

Along the edge of the creek we also found some excellent sand, and therefore were saved not a little expense in starting our improvements. It did not take the masons long to point up and strengthen the old foundations, and early in September everything was under full headway, the sound of hammer, saw, and plane resounding all day long.