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The Crown, the cabinet, the legislature, and the people, have respectively certain rights and powers which, when properly and constitutionally brought into operation, give strength and elasticity to our system of government. Dismissal of a ministry by the Crown under conditions of gravity, or resignation of a ministry defeated in the popular House, bring into play the prerogatives of the Crown.

So with admirable resignation they disposed themselves beside Mollie on the big rock and settled down to watch for developments. But after waiting for an everlasting five minutes they decided that there were to be no developments.

In short, he would walk with his head in the air; but not necessarily with his nose in the air. This is a manly and rational position, but it is open to the objection we noted against the compromise between optimism and pessimism the "resignation" of Matthew Arnold.

"To show you the feeling and struggle it has cost me, I send you a copy of my letter of resignation. I have no time for more. May God guard and protect you and yours, and shower upon you everlasting blessings, is the prayer of your devoted brother, R. E. Lee." "Arlington, Virginia, April 20, 1860.

In view of my previous weariness of office, and vague thoughts of resignation, my fortune somewhat resembled that of a person who should entertain an idea of committing suicide, and although beyond his hopes, meet with the good hap to be murdered.

He was sending the bolt of death into the midst of the enemies of his country. "Bravo! Good boy, Tom," said old Hapgood, who seemed to be as much at ease as when he had counselled patience and resignation in the quiet of the tent. "Don't fire too high, Tom." "I've got the idea," replied the soldier boy. "I begin to feel quite at home." "O, you'll do; and I knew you would from the first."

Temple, on looking at their children, could scarcely refrain from tears; but she knew her husband's patience and resignation, and felt that it was her duty to submit with humility to the dispensation of God. "You and I, my dear Charles, could bear up under anything but these poor things, how will they do?"

She motioned him wearily to an uncompromising chair, standing herself with an air of profound resignation as she leaned against the cheaply varnished bureau. "Is this the first time " she began, and stopped short. "No ... I've watched you every night for nearly two weeks." "What was the idea?" she threw out, with an air of banter. He stood up suddenly.

"Do you mean to say it's cooler here than indoors?" asked the young girl in a tone of resignation. "Oh, it's much cooler! There's a breeze at the end of the walk." "The sea is like oil," observed Clare. "There isn't the least breath." "Well," said Brook, "it can't be really hot, because it's only the first week in June after all." "This isn't Scotland.

There was no religious submission in his passionate sorrow. How unlike the quiet resignation which should have marked the recognition that the God who had been his guide was working here too! No doubt the hypocritical condolences of his children were as vinegar upon nitre.