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"I guess I understand 'er all right," Hepsie said sullenly; "'t wouldn't make no difference, you bein' up. She'd be a-tellin' me what t' do just th' same, an' I'm tired enough, washdays, without havin' somebody t' aggravate me about every piece that goes through th' rench." She stood waiting for Elizabeth to speak, and when she did not, added resentfully: "You an' me always got along.

Even old Binet's secret hostility towards Andre-Louis melted before this astounding revelation. He had pinched his daughter's ear quite playfully. "Ah, ah, trust you to have penetrated his disguise, my child!" She shrank resentfully from that implication. "But I did not. I took him for what he seemed." Her father winked at her very solemnly and laughed. "To be sure, you did.

When he had awakened, it had been with the euphoria all gone and with his present hangover. "At least," he told himself, "I can truthfully say that this one wasn't my fault. That blasted spray " He looked resentfully at the sleeping woman in the chair. Then he reached and roughly shook her shoulder. She opened her eyes and looked at him, first sleepily and then with resentment.

"Raggles?" queried Brock, passing his hand over his brow. The other shrugged his shoulders and looked askance. "Oh, yes, I understand," murmured the puzzled one, recovering himself. For the next ten minutes he wondered who Raggles could be. He had eaten his strawberries and was waiting for the eggs and coffee, resentfully eying the early risers who were now coming in for their coffee and rolls.

I hope the weather doesn't change its mind and pour before we get home." "Don't speak of it," cautioned Irma, superstitiously. "You'll bring rain down upon us if you do. May is a weepy month, you know." "Weeps or no weeps, I suppose we'll have the pleasure of seeing our dear friends, Mignon and Muriel, to-day. I could weep for that," growled Jerry, resentfully.

"I think you're going through another change now, Baby," her aunt said. "You've become a woman too fast. You don't quite know where you are!" This was so unexpectedly acute that Norma was inwardly surprised, and a little impressed. She sat down at one end of the clean little kitchen table, and rested her face in her hands, and looked resentfully at the older woman.

Your father and mother have their own reasons for not wanting you to go." "Their reasons don't do me any good," uttered Dan resentfully. "Would it do any good if we all went down to your house and tried coaxing for you?" asked Greg Holmes. "Not a bit," declared Danny gloomily. "Say, will you fellows wait here a little while?" begged Dick. "I want to run home a minute. I'll be right back."

He is good and kind to every one but me," she continued resentfully: "if Dinah had said that, he would not have answered her so curtly and then turned on his heel and left her." Here Elizabeth wilfully ignored the fact that Cedric had signalled to him somewhat impatiently. "I believe that he has made a vow not to speak to me if he can help it."

Almost every day the same three words came; but I turned away resentfully from them, saying to myself, "What have the sick to do with me? I am weary of sick people: I have been so much with them. Must I accept the sick in place of the ecstasy of God? I mourn for the loss of God. I can cheer no sick."

His manner seemed to irritate Kelson. "I wish, my dear Hugh, I could take it half as coolly as you do," he exclaimed resentfully. "I don't know what you want me to do or say, Harry," Gifford expostulated. "The whole affair is so utterly mysterious that I can't pretend even to hazard an explanation." "In the meantime Muriel and I are in the most appalling position.