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Clearly every book and every parcel of papers has a place, and is kept in that place. The owner can at any moment lay his hand upon anything he desires among all these documents. This habit of orderliness has had no small share, I take it, in contributing to Professor Haeckel's success in carrying forward many lines of research at the same time, and carrying all to successful terminations.

"Isn't it possible, after making as long and thorough a search as you can, to take the case into court and have the judge declare the title you give to be valid, under the circumstances?" "That is done; but you can see that such a decision would be granted only after long research on our part. It would delay your purchase considerably." "However, it seems to me the thing to do," decided Mrs.

So apt and patient are the Germans in research, that they have been justly said to "quarry" out the past; while so native are rhetoric, theorizing, and fancifulness to the French, that they make history, as they do life and government, theatrical and picturesque, rather than gravely real and practically suggestive.

But whoever has read it, or whoever may chance to read it, in the course of an antiquarian research, will be apt to infer, that whatever educational bias the first efforts of genius subjected to influences of the same kind would naturally betray, the faults charged upon the Comedy of Errors, the leaning to the classics, the taint of St.

While he wrote many of his plays before the death of Elizabeth, Othello, King Lear, and The Tempest belong to the reign of James. Francis Bacon, philosopher and statesman, did much for the advancement of scientific research by advocating new methods of reasoning based upon a careful observation of natural phenomena instead of upon Aristotle's logic.

I have already taken steps to coordinate and expand our disarmament effort to increase our programs of research and study and to make arms control a central goal of our national policy under my direction. The deadly arms race, and the huge resources it absorbs, have too long overshadowed all else we must do.

But all these features of the scheme of life of the learned class, and of the establishments dedicated to the conservation of the higher learning, are in a great measure incidental only. They are scarcely to be accounted organic elements of the professed work of research and instruction for the ostensible pursuit of which the schools exists.

And into this atmosphere of almost utter disregard for quality I brought my ideas of Dutch thoroughness and my conviction that doing well whatever I did was to count as a cardinal principle in life. During my years of editorship, save in one or two conspicuous instances, I was never able to assign to an American writer, work which called for painstaking research.

With what relentless pertinacity, with what ingenious research, he had set all the hounds of the police upon the track of that single man! How notably he had failed! An avenger lived; and Olivier Dalibard started at his own shadow on the wall. But he did not the less continue to plot and to intrigue nay, such occupation became more necessary, as an escape from himself. Tush, he was safe!

Here was nothing to separate the human dead from the beasts of the field; these boxes would have looked the same had they held merely the bodies of animals prepared for the inquisitive, probing research of science.