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For although it was from an indulgence to the request of the excellent Julius Servianus, your own most devoted servant, that you granted this favour, yet I have the satisfaction to find by the words of your rescript that you complied the more willingly as his application was in my behalf.

My reading has embraced not a few works which seek or which affect to deal with the mystery of life and death. Each and every one of them leaves a mystery still. For all their learning and research their positivity and contradiction none of the writers know more than I think I know myself, and all that I think I know myself may be abridged to the simple rescript, I know nothing.

12 If, after making his will, a testator alienates property which he has therein given away as a legacy, Celsus is of opinion that the legatee may still claim it unless the testator's intention was thereby to revoke the bequest, and there is a rescript of the Emperors Severus and Antoninus to this effect, as well as another which decides that if, after making his will, a testator pledges land which he had therein given as a legacy, the part which has not been alienated can in any case be claimed, and the alienated part as well if the alienator's intention was not to revoke the legacy.

Alexander II. began to fear that he had gone too far, or, at least, too quickly, in his policy of radical reform. An Imperial rescript announced that law, property, and religion were in danger, and that the Government would lean on the Noblesse and other conservative elements of Society.

Nevertheless, he did not undertake to limit the size of Imperial tombs. The rescript dealt only with those from princes downwards. Of these, the greatest tumulus permitted was a square mound with a side of forty-five feet at the base and a height of twenty-five feet, measured along the slope, a further restriction being that the work must not occupy more than one thousand men for seven days.

But a rescript of the Emperors Severus and Antoninus decides that the performance of a trust imposed by codicils written before a will may in any case be demanded, if it appears that the testator had not abandoned the intention expressed in them.

Forthwith order was given for the cavalcade to set out according to the rescript, Kaiser Heinrich retaining the youth at his right hand. As the head of the procession reached the gates of Cologne, symptoms of wavering were manifest. Kaiser Heinrich commanded an advance, at all cost.

The second order of the clergy were hardly behind the laity, in the fervour of their opposition to the rescript of 1814. Then entire body, secular and regular, residing in and about Dublin, published a very strong protest against it, headed by Dr.

Gaston Cheverny had a portmanteau strapped to his saddle, and in it was a treasure most precious to Francezka her woman's clothes. I had one equally valued by Count Saxe his rescript of election by the Diet to the crown of Courland. I hid it between my skin and my shirt. For Francezka's clothes and Count Saxe's rescript we were ready to be hanged, drowned, or shot.

I HAVE been pressed by some persons to take upon myself the enquiry of causes relating to claims of freedom by birth-right, agreeably to a rescript of Domitian's to Minucius Rufus, and the practice of former proconsuls.