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The Quartermaster, with his accustomed forethought, had made a requisition before daylight on a neighboring hen-roost, and preparations for serving dinner had already been begun, when, at eleven o'clock, marching orders for Greencastle, Pa., arrived. This was an agreeable surprise, as it suggested a homeward journey.

The discourse, was communicated to Dr. Wake: in his answer, he pressed Dr. Dupin, for a more explicit declaration, on the leading points, in controversy. In compliance with this requisition, Doctor Dupin drew up his Commonitorium, and communicated it, to several persons of distinction, both in the state, and church of France.

It blew hard, with a heavy sea, through the next day and night. On the 24th, the weather having moderated, it was determined in a council of war to land the remaining troops immediately, and General Grouchy made a formal requisition for that purpose.

The bullet was heard striking the sticks, and caused the dust to puff out, but it produced no further effect not a move was made by the occupant of that elevated eyrie. Two or three more shots were fired with like effect; and the fusil of Pouchskin was next called into requisition, and brought to bear upon the nest.

But, unluckily for Ithuel's plan, he had brought with him from the Granite State a certain propensity to pass all the modulations of his voice through his nose; and the effort to make a suppressed sound brought that member more than usually into requisition, thereby producing a certain disagreeable combination that destroyed everything like music that commonly characterizes the Italian words.

As quartermaster he declined to fill the requisition, and endorsed on the back of it his reasons for so doing. As company commander he responded to this, urging that his requisition called for nothing but what he was entitled to, and that it was the duty of the quartermaster to fill it. As quartermaster he still persisted that he was right.

And I hereby make claim and demand restitution of the State of New York City for the said alleged criminal; and I know he done it. "'Have you the usual and necessary requisition papers from the governor of your state? asks the judge. "'My usual papers, says Luke, 'was taken away from me at the hotel by these gentlemen who represent law and order in your city.

Davis, the flood-gates of whose eloquence were now fairly opened. 'I'm sure you're too much of the gentleman to deny your own words, and them repeated more than once in my presence Cheroots yes, are there none there, child? Oh, they are in the cupboard. These last words were not part of her address to Charley, but were given in reply to a requisition from the attendant nymph outside.

His advances were received in so friendly a manner that he went further yet, and confided to Henry that his ingenuity had been called into requisition by spiritual mediums, to whom he furnished the apparatus necessary for the manifestations. Henry asked him by what mediums he had been engaged, and was surprised to find that among them was the very man he had met at the Smithsonian.

The tax led to constant fighting, until at last the officials gave up the effort and imposed a requisition of food or gum-copal; the change seems to have been satisfactory there and in other parts where it has been tried. In the former time the native soldiers punished delinquents with mutilation: proofs on this subject here and in several other places were indisputable. On the River Lulongo, Mr.