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"Merely as a friend who would be glad to do you a service," he continued, "I will, during the day, try to get you the name of of as reputable a lawyer as possible in that place." And Mr. Wentworth paused, as red as though he had asked her to marry him. "How good of you!" she cried. "I shall be at the Touraine until this evening."

I have heard reputable physicians condemn a certain method of psychotherapy because it was "immoral." A woman once told me that she had let her son grow up ignorant of his sexual life because "a mother should never mention anything 'embarrassing' to her child."

Under a similar system of economy and industry, how would Virginia, rich with Nature's prodigal blessings, have worn at this time over all her territory the smiles of plenty, the charms of rewarded industry! What a change would have been manifest in your whole character! Freemen in the place of slaves, industry, reputable economy, a virtue, dissipation despised, emigration unnecessary!

"Not even anything to your own advantage?" suggested Mr. Carless, with a keen glance which passed from one partner to the other. "You, as reputable practitioners of our profession, don't want to be mixed up with an impostor?" "We should be very sorry to be mixed up in any way with an impostor, Mr. Carless!" said Methley. Mr.

This is very bewildering to the moral sense. You have Joan of Arc, who left a humble but honest and reputable livelihood under the eyes of her parents, to go a- colonelling, in the company of rowdy soldiers, against the enemies of France; surely a melancholy example for one's daughters!

Definite measures are advocated by which it is expected that the government or private agencies may be able to make over these latest aliens into reputable, useful American citizens.

But I am going to take you away from this house where you have been so miserable; I am going to see that you are not molested in the future." "That is all very well," Venner interposed, "but where can the young lady go? She is quite alone and helpless, and unless you have some reputable female relation " "It is not a matter of my relations," Zary smiled.

"Tryings on" were numerous during the next few mornings; but, while Eunice's blouse gradually assumed a trig and reputable appearance, Peggy's developed each time a fresh set of creases and wrinkles.

It was simply taken for granted by my family that, according to my own written account, I had made the journey home with thoroughly reputable refugees. I felt sure that Tony had not given his mother and sister any indiscreet information about "Monsieur Mars." Neither did he appear to have told them that our engagement was definitely broken off.

The facts may be summarized as follows: A modest, well-behaved German girl named Wulff was brutally assaulted and raped on a lonely road by a negro named Robinson, who decoyed her to the place of her undoing by telling her mother that he had been commissioned by a reputable white woman to secure a serving-maid.