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On the way also are numerous perils, for in it are the abodes of genii, the haunts of wild beasts, and monstrous serpents, and some parts also where food cannot be had or thirst be gratified. Have compassion then, my son, upon thyself, and rush not on destruction." Abd al Kuddoos continued to dissuade him from his resolution during three days, but he would not hear advice or reproof.

She must avoid a kind of joking and badinage that should never be heard among well-bred young people in society that about courtship and marriage. Much harm, much blunting of fine sensibilities, much destruction of that delicate modesty which is the priceless dower of young girlhood, comes of such jesting and joking where it is permitted without restraint or reproof.

'Not very likely. 'Then why the devil did he speak like that? The grave reproof had exasperated him; he was flushed and his hands trembled. I observed him with the utmost interest, and it became clear from the angry words he poured forth that he could not endure to be supposed anything but a gentleman at large. Here was the old characteristic; it had merely been dormant.

"Mith Rothe, when thith canoe geth too old for you, you'll give it to me, won't you?" said Mabel, putting her hands lovingly up towards the fanciful basket. "Mabel," Johnny said in a tone of reproof, "how often has mamma told you never to ask for things in that way?"

The girl's senses then perceived the something that was afloat at the table; she thought with a pang of horror: 'Has Juliana told? Juliana smiled on her; but the aspect of Mrs. Shorne, and of Miss Carrington, spoke for their knowledge of that which must henceforth be the perpetual reproof to her headstrong youth. 'At what hour do you leave us? said Lady Jocelyn to Evan.

"I was wondering," continued Jerry, paying no attention to the reproof, "whether that barbed wire was put there to prevent outsiders from getting in, or to keep some one who was in from breaking out!" Frank started, and looked serious.

On occasion of a trifling skirmish magnified by rumour to gigantic dimensions, the land army and the naval force of the Romans, and even the Italians, ran off homeward, and Cato found it necessary to address a special reproof to his countrymen for their cowardice. In this too the youth of quality took precedence.

Halfman turned a scowling face upon the knight as he answered, malevolently: "Swamped, water-logged, foundering. You are a pretty parrakeet to come between me and my musings." The tone of Halfman's speech, the way of Halfman's demeanor were so offensive that the knight's cheap dignity took fire. He swelled with displeasure, flushed very red in the gills, and cleared his throat for reproof.

Holder didn't run after her, Sally," said Mr. Bentley, in gentle reproof. Holder smiled. "Well," said Miss Grower, "I've had my eye on her. She has a history most of 'em have. But this one's out of the common. When they're brazen like that, and have had good looks, you can nearly always tell. You've. got to wait for something to happen, and trust to luck to be on the spot, or near it.

If it were the black mass of the world's sins, we can understand the agony, and rejoice to think that our sins were there. II. The arrest. Three points are made prominent the betrayer's token, the disciples' resistance, the reproof of the foes, and in each the centre of interest is our Lord's words. The sudden bursting in of the multitude is graphically represented.