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"Tush, sir! he said, 'waste not time in reproaches, for, I fear, the gendarmes are on my track. It is well that you are here; you can swear that I have spent the night at home. Unhand me, old man; I have these witnesses still to secrete, and he pointed to the garments wet and dabbled with the mud of the roads.

"I hardly expected to have the honor of a visit from you, ladies," he commenced. The older of the two, Miss Adelaide, cut him short, saying, "I suppose not, after what has passed." And thereupon, speaking with all the eloquence of a pious woman who is trying to wither an impious man, she poured upon him a stream of reproaches for what she called his infamous treachery. What?

At that season, from twelve to three o'clock, the most determined and ardent sportsman is not able to hunt, and the most devoted dog begins to 'clean his master's spurs, that is, to follow at his heels, his eyes painfully blinking, and his tongue hanging out to an exaggerated length; and in response to his master's reproaches he humbly wags his tail and shows his confusion in his face; but he does not run forward.

And here nothing in the shape of wrath and reproaches and argument could shake them from the position behind which they had entrenched themselves, namely that since the coughing would have to be done by themselves it mattered nothing to anybody if the affliction came upon them. Kate unpacked the baskets with a melancholy air.

Is the old lady really tucked away for the night, or is she coming down to read us a sermon? And how the deuce did you happen to pick her up?" She had come downstairs with confession on her lips, and in the agitation of her mind had scarcely heeded Brent's words or Mrs. Chandos'. She had come down prepared for any attitude but the one in which she found him; for anger, reproaches, arraignments.

Gazing at her earnestly, there was nothing in her expression at present to suggest any emotion save a natural annoyance at being catechized. But Alice was not deceived. "Please don't assume such an air of offended virtue, Sally. You are far too fond of employing it when anyone reproaches you," Alice continued, but really too sincerely disturbed to feel angered by her sister's behavior.

Reine, knowing Claudet's violent disposition, and wishing to avoid trouble for the cure, thought it advisable to have recourse to evasion. "Monsieur le Cure," said she, "has had no part in my decision. He has not spoken against you, and deserves no reproaches from you." "In that case, why do you send me away?"

There was silence between them for a moment; then he went on, doubtless to quiet the reproaches of his conscience as a soldier: "And then the work is too heavy here just now; the plowing is just commencing, and then there'll be the fall sowing to be looked after.

One day that George had been obliged to go to Warwick Square to consult her on business, he was suddenly overwhelmed with reproaches on this point. "I suppose Letty thinks I should spoil her parties! She is ashamed of me, perhaps" Lady Tressady gave an angry laugh.

I had rather you were a coiner, like the Marquis de Coucy, or at the head of the Croquants, than do as you have done; you dishonor your family, and the memory of the marechal your father." Cinq-Mars, deeming himself wholly lost, put the best face he could upon the matter, and said with an air of resignation: "Well, then, Sire, send me to be judged and put to death; but spare me your reproaches."