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I am poor, and held of little account by the wealthy of our family nay, I may consider myself a lonely man but I must nevertheless remember that generous birth has its obligations. And I would not be reproached by my fellow-citizens for rash haste in bestowing my daughter.

Indeed, the words "German propagandist" had already become a term of abuse in America. We were reproached there with being too indulgent, while in Germany the opposite criticism was levelled at us. In spite of the difficulty of the situation, however, there were Americans of German and other origin, who had the courage openly to champion our cause and to swim against the stream.

As soon as he would listen to me, I reproached him seriously for his violence, and represented to him how much he had distressed us, and terrified his mother; that he had spoiled his gun, which might have been so useful to us, and had almost killed the poor animals, who might be more so. "Anger," said I, "leads to every crime. Remember Cain, who killed his brother in a fit of passion."

That will suit the Gospel; that sounds well, does it not?" He stopped and started: "Ferleitner, what is the matter?" Conrad had fallen against the wall, his head sunk on his breast. The breath rattled in his throat. The father reached quickly for the water-pitcher to revive him. He reproached him good-naturedly for losing heart so quickly, and bathed his forehead tenderly.

A little later, in another department of the Wilmax Cannery, lumping as a fruit-distributor among the women, he essayed to carry two boxes of fruit at a time, and was promptly reproached by the other fruit-lumpers. It was palpable malingering; but he was there, he decided, not to change conditions, but to observe.

"I am cast out of my uncle's house, and now I have no home, and hardly any money." "Hector is in the city. Have you seen him?" asked Allan Roscoe. "Yes; I met him a few minutes since." "Did you speak to him?" "Yes; I reproached him for getting me into trouble, but he only laughed in my face. He told me he hated you both," added Jim, ingenuously. "Just like Hector!" said Guy.

"I think he wanted to talk to you about something he couldn't send messages about." Selwyn has been gone two weeks. I have heard nothing from him. I do not even know where he is. Yesterday, over the telephone, Kitty reproached me indignantly for not coming oftener to see her.

He had been guilty of gaining the love of the people by walking about without guards, in a plain Greek dress, and of lowering the price of grain in a famine by opening the public granaries; and Tiberius sternly reproached him with breaking the known law of Augustus, by which no Roman citizen of consular or even of equestrian rank might enter Alexandria without leave from the emperor.

"I've reproached myself for it often enough," pursued Jim; "but when all is said, how can a man prevent a thing like that? I might as well try to shut my eyes to the sun when it is shining straight on me. Why, everybody else seems dull and lifeless when I look at her and I seem such a brute myself that I hardly dare touch her hand. All I ask is to be her servant until I die."

His tortured heart was stirred with deep emotion, and the drooping wings of ambition unfolded with fresh energy. He reproached, raged, but yielded; and when Ortis on his knees, offered him the commander's baton, he accepted it.