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I then went in to General Shafter and stated the case to him, handing him the despatch, saying, 'The matter is now in your hands. He, General Shafter, then said, 'I don't care whether this gentleman has it or not, and I left then. When I went back the General told me he had given the Press representative a copy of the despatch, and that he had gone to the office with it."

Even she, whose jest it is to see men writhe under her hand, has to own somebody her master, and though she would giggle at the notion of fearing any one man, or any dozen, she does fear the representative of what she and perhaps a hundred others call "The Game." For the night, and for the place, the general was that representative, and however much he might disapprove, he had no doubt of her.

With such support they might hope to overthrow the minister and reform the administration. No doubt they also dreamed of power and place for themselves. As time passed, the sympathies of the nation rallied more and more to Ferdinand, until at last he became the leader and representative of the solid elements in society.

On the other hand, in the higher thought he was made the representative of the production of universal animal life, and rose to the rank of a great god. +403+. The Greek deities with whom Priapos was oftenest identified were Dionysos and Hermes both gods of fertility.

Christ in his appearance in flesh was the Head, that is the representative of his body of followers; but they could not establish his peaceable reign.

Webster meant, and nothing could better express the lowliness of the Tory party than that opposition to anything should be led by the hapless representative of St. Pancras.

Frank as a soldier, but also polite as a courtier, he was not a little surprised at the new etiquette of our new court, and at the endurance of all the members of the diplomatic corps, of whom hardly one had spirit enough to remember that he was the representative of one, at least nominally, independent Prince or State.

Meanwhile the more representative houses of the strictly Roman part of the Roman world that is to say, the dwellings of Romans or of imitators of Romans, wherever they might be settled, as distinct from the Greek and Oriental houses or from the various kinds of primitive huts to be found among the Western provincials were of three chief kinds.

They consider only their own ideas of ingenuity; and, in searching for anything hidden, advert only to the modes in which they would have hidden it. They are right in this much that their own ingenuity is a faithful representative of that of the mass; but when the cunning of the individual felon is diverse in character from their own, the felon foils them of course.

In the first place, the local representative bodies and their officers are almost certain to be of a much lower grade of intelligence and knowledge than Parliament and the national executive. Secondly, besides being themselves of inferior qualifications, they are watched by, and accountable to an inferior public opinion.