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Your servant forgot to inform us of your presence, and we were waiting for Mademoiselle Reine, without thinking that " The old man continued immovable, not seeming to understand; he kept repeating, in the same voice, like a frightened child: "Rei-eine! Rei-eine!"

"This chateau," he said, rather sadly, "was ruined by the war, just as my plans for our happiness have been ruined by you." "How ruined?" she asked in surprise. "Are you indeed 'beautiful, brilliant, and of noble birth'?" he asked ironically, repeating the words she had herself used in their former conversation. "Who has told you to the contrary?"

The old man carried the parcels south over the brow of a hill and deposited them in secluded spots about 4 feet apart, repeating a brief prayer over each one; he then motioned toward the east, south, west, and north, and returned to the lodge. During his absence the choir sang; in the meantime the fire in the lodge was reduced to embers.

If she is supernaturally wise she does not handicap her husband by repeating their gossip to him. Personally, I prayed more earnestly to be delivered from this particular temptation than from any other. But never once was the Lord able to do it. Sooner or later I invariably told William every word of scandal I heard.

The furniture, the utensils, the china all talked, and went on repeating their joy in seeing their "charming guest," asked after his health, and gave him pleasant and virtuous advice. On the sofas which was very hard was a little cushion which murmured amiably: "Only a quarter of an hour!" The cup of coffee which was handed to Christophe insisted on his taking more: "Just a drop!"

Patrick, it's out of it soon ye'll be gettin'!" Larry! Larry! If it had but been true and I could see Lakla and you beside me now! Larry and the Frog-Men Long had been her tale in the telling, and too long, perhaps, have I been in the repeating but not every day are the mists rolled away to reveal undreamed secrets of earth-youth.

"Let us see," she said. "Let us wait for a little time and see what comes." That night another proof of the popular feeling, absolutely spontaneous, broke out in one of the least expected places. Louise was encored for her wonderful solo in a modern opera of bellicose trend, and instead of repeating it she came alone on the stage after a few minutes' absence, dressed in Servian national dress.

Ninon was remarkable for her repartees. One that she made to the last Marechal de Choiseul is worth repeating. The Marechal was virtue itself, but not fond of company or blessed with much wit. One day, after a long visit he had paid her, Ninon gaped, looked at the Marechal, and cried: "Oh, my lord! how many virtues you make me detest!" A line from I know not what play.

And he told Pete of his ride, and how he had misled the posse, and he spoke jestingly, as though it had been a little thing to do; hardly worth repeating. Then he told of a ride he had made to Showdown to let Pete know that Gary would live, and how The Spider had said that he knew nothing of Pete had never seen him.

And so he did, muttering an imprecation upon the little lamp that had gone out and left the small hall in darkness. Then he knocked, and spoke through the door, offering to bring her food, or fire, and repeating his words many times, in a supplicating tone, for he was devoted to both the sisters, though terror of old Mendoza was the dominating element in his existence.