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"Oh yes, I have," was Beth's instant and unexpected rejoinder. "The devil is a bad road." There was an explosion of laughter at this. "But you said so, papa," Beth remonstrated indignantly. "My dear child, I said just the reverse." "What's the reverse?" said Beth, picturing another personality. "There now, that will do," Mrs. Caldwell interposed. "Little bodies must be seen and not heard." Mr.

Often had the other members of the family remonstrated with him on his idle and immoral courses; but their remonstrances only excited his bad passions, and produced, on his part, angry and exasperating language, or open determination to abandon the family altogether and enlist.

He and Langdon are in the same boat." "But that won't win the race," remonstrated Danby. "Lauzanne is a maiden, and Porter doesn't often make a mistake about any of his own stock." "I thought I'd come back and tell you," said Bob Lewis, apologetically. "And you did right; but if the mare wins, and I'm not on, after getting it straight from Porter, I'd want to go out and kick myself good and hard.

You'll have all the ragamuffins in the street forming a tail after you, thinking you are the bridegroom. A man of your years to deck yourself out in a worked shirt! I would have had some rosettes on my coat-tails, while I was about it." "My coat's quite plain, Miss Cornelia," he meekly remonstrated. "Plain! What would you have it?" snapped Miss Cornelia.

Put yourself at the head of your army, return to Russia, and I promise you that in six weeks Petersburg and all the rest of the empire will be in subjection to you." The women and the courtiers, with characteristic timidity, remonstrated against a measure so decisive, and, believing that the empress would not be very implacable, entreated the tzar to negotiate rather than fight.

"I've loved you ever since I first met you, Edith," he declared, "and I'm sure we'll be very happy together," and Bob leaned over and kissed the inviting upturned lips. "Oh! Uncle Joe, just come here and see what's going on in your office," shouted Ruth. "Bob's kissing Edith." "Have you been spying on them, Ruth?" remonstrated her aunt. "Spying on them, Aunt Bettie?

"When they first revealed their plan of making away with Jawn," she drawled, "I came up like this and remonstrated. And while I did so I reached over and turned the screw and shut off the gas feed. Jawn balked with them, of course but they never guessed why!" The two in the tonneau muttered something in undertones while the little woman smiled at them contemptuously.

"I remember me now," the queen said. "The matter was laid before our council, and we remonstrated with the Spanish ambassador, and he in turn accused our seamen of having first sunk a Spanish galley without cause or reason. And when not employed in these dangerous enterprises of which you have been speaking, do you say that you have been in attendance upon the prince himself?

The apothecary remonstrated upon which he said: 'Oh! it's only what the bathers call taking a "header." As the hour of dissolution approached he lost his consciousness, but still spoke occasionally. From M. Guizot Val Richer, June 9th. I had little doubt of the war, and I now consider it as begun.

Thompson, of the Nautilus, who convoyed us, to whom I applied in February 1787 for a remedy, when I had remonstrated to the agent in vain, and even brought him to be a witness of the injustice and oppression I complained of.