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Acting on the hint given by Pope, Lady Mary purchased stock for herself and Rémond. The stock fell rapidly in August it stood at 750 and in December at 130. What she lost is not known, but she had been sufficiently involved to make her desire to sell her diamonds, and more than once she asked Lady Mar if there was a market for the jewels in Paris. Rémond's £900 had dwindled to £400.

Montagu re-enters the House of Commons His miserliness Pope refers to it Comments on Society Lady Mary and a first-class scandal Rémond His admiration for her Her imprudent letters to him The South Sea Bubble Lady Mary speculates for Remond She loses money for him He demands to be re-imbursed He threatens to publish her letters She states the case in letters to Lady Mar Lady Mary meets Pope His letters to her when she was abroad He affects to be in love with her Her matter-of-fact replies Her parody of his verses, "On John Hughes and Sarah Drew"

The case was put by Lady Mary in a series of letters to her sister, Lady Mar, to whom she could unburden herself freely, and who might be able to influence Rémond, who was then at Paris.

Among those associated in this work, which extended over five months, were John A. Collins, the president of the society, who mapped out the campaign; James Monroe; George Bradburn; William A. White; Charles L. Remond, a colored orator, born in Massachusetts, who rendered effective service in the abolition cause; and Sidney Howard Gay, at that time managing editor of the National Anti-slavery Standard and later of the New York Tribune and the New York Evening Post.

Schemes of migration and colonization arose among them; but these they refused to entertain, and they eventually turned to the Abolition movement as a final refuge. Here, led by Remond, Nell, Wells-Brown, and Douglass, a new period of self-assertion and self-development dawned.

And the Cid said, I thank God that I see you, Sir; and he humbled himself to Count Don Anrrich, and Count Don Remond, and the others, and said, God save all our friends, and chiefly you, Sir! my wife Dona Ximena kisses your hand, and my daughters also, that this thing which hath befallen us, may be found displeasing unto you. And the King said, That will it be, unless God prevent.

Reluctantly Lady Mary consented she would probably have agreed almost to anything, so anxious was she that Rémond should leave the country.

The Abbé Gedoyn was her last lover so far as there is any account of her amours. The story is related by Remond, surnamed "The Greek," and must be taken with a grain of salt as Ninon was at that time seventy-nine years of age. This Remond, notwithstanding her age, had made violent love to Ninon without meeting with any success.

In 1849 Frederick Douglass, Charles Lenox Remond and Julia Griffith, an English lady prominent in reform circles in England, attended the National Anti-slavery Convention held in Philadelphia, and presided over by that apostle of liberty, Wm. Lloyd Garrison. At its close Mr. Douglass invited me to accompany him to his home at Rochester, and then to join him in lecturing in the "Western Reserve."

Montagu re-enters the House of Commons His miserliness Pope refers to it Comments on Society Lady Mary and a first-class scandal Rémond His admiration for her Her imprudent letters to him The South Sea Bubble Lady Mary speculates for Rémond She loses money for him He demands to be re-imbursed He threatens to publish her letters She states the case in letters to Lady Mar Lady Mary meets Pope His letters to her when she was abroad He affects to be in love with her Her matter-of-fact replies Her parody of his verses, "On John Hughes and Sarah Drew."