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'It reminded me suddenly, Milly, of that frightful business. 'What business, Maud? what a plague are ye thinking on? demanded Milly, rather amused. 'It was in one of these rooms maybe this yes, it certainly was this for see, the panelling has been pulled off the wall that Mr. Charke killed himself.

"I am in the habit of regarding death as at the door; and wish so to do, because I am thus constantly reminded that what my hands find to do must he done with my might." "I am glad to hear such a testimony from thee," said the old man, earnestly. "It is a pity that any of us should forget the work to be done in this world, and the shortness of time."

The poem has reminded me of a very similar story of my own New England neighborhood, which I have often heard, and which I will try to tell, not in poetry, like Alfred Tennyson's, but in my own poor prose. I can assure my readers that in its main particulars it is a true tale.

Actæon, as he contemplated the short, correct profile of the handsome youth, and the nervous vivacity of his body, was reminded of the apprentices to the sculptors at Athens, artistic youths who in the broad glare of day, before returning to the studios, scandalized the well-behaved citizens by their frolics in the promenade of the Cerameicus.

He really loved them into the Christian life. I was reminded of the line in Hezekiah's song of thanksgiving after his illness, "Thou hast loved my soul up from the pit." This young teacher lived his pupils to the Lord Jesus. The latter part of his life was a sad one, but nothing can change the record of those earlier years.

It must probably be the case that Major Grantly was fond of Greek. There was, he reminded himself, no accounting for tastes; but as nothing could be more respectable than such an alliance, he thought that it would become him to be civil to the major. "I hope you found her quite well. I had barely time to speak to her myself." "Yes, she was very well. This is a sad thing about her father."

Presently he suggested, that it might be a very good idea if Peter should go over to America for a while, and look after those interests to which he hadn't given a thought since he had put on a uniform. After all, Hemingway reminded him, his uncle had placed considerable trust in him. It was only fair now that Chadwick Champneys's wishes should come in for at least a little attention, wasn't it?

His face seemed to wither, new lines came upon it as the impression grew in him, and the glamour faded out of hers as she was sharply reminded, looking at him, that he had not traversed the waste with her, that she had kept her vigils alone. Yet it was all said and done, and there was no repentance in her.

In vain Malcolm reminded him that during the fishing season he had to spend most nights alone; Duncan answered that he had but to go to the door, and look out to sea, and there was nothing between him and his boy; but now he could not tell how many stone walls might be standing up to divide them. He was quite willing to make the trial, however, and see if he could bear it.

The French maid reminded her that her daughter-in-law had said, on showing her the room, she had only to express a wish to change, and the arrangements should be altered at once. "I daresay," cried Lady Tressady. "But I shall ask no favours of her and that, of course, she knew." "But, miladi, I need only speak to the housemaid." "Thank you!