United States or Mali ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

I remedied this neglect of fortune for him in various ways with due forethought and delicacy and gave him as many commissions as I possibly could without rousing his suspicion or wounding his pride. For he possessed a strong attraction for me we had much the same tastes, we shared the same sympathies, in short, I desired nothing better than his confidence and companionship.

The want of cariages the first day was such, as they were enforced to cary their munition vpon mens backs, which was the next day remedied.

Assuming, then, without further argument that divorce, or rather the instability of the family, is an evil in modern society, the question arises, how can it be remedied? If, as has already been implied, the real evil is not so much divorce as the decay of the family life, then it at once becomes evident that legislation can do little to correct the real evil.

Some of the men remedied this by fitting their caps with green reading-shades, such as undergraduates wear when they are cramming for examinations, so that at first glance a regiment looked as though its ranks were filled with either jockeys or students.

For the skilled computer these things offer no difficulty at all. And they are not difficulties of principle but of manipulation. One might as well refuse to travel in a taxicab until the driver had explained the magneto as refuse to accept the principle of Proportional Representation by the single transferable vote until one had remedied all the deficiencies of one's arithmetical education.

To think what everybody says is to be a Philistine, and to say what everybody thinks is to be a genius. That is the eye of genius, but the Philistines cry, "Disease! Degeneration!" I have noted in my Sancho Panza moments a number of deficiencies in the commonweal which can only be remedied in our modern manner by societies. Let me start with a few of the most needed.

"Josephine had a faded and brown complexion, which she remedied with rouge and powder; her small mouth concealed her bad teeth; her elegant figure and graceful movements, refined expression, gentle voice and dignity, all dexterously expressed with an air of coquetry, made her delightful."

The way, however, that it could be remedied is not by acting in such wise as to alienate the other party. One of the objects of the Cause is actually to bring about a closer bond in the homes. In all such cases, therefore, the Master used to advise obedience to the wishes of the other party and prayer.

No wonder that he wrote in his paper that I was "a woman of extreme nervous sensibility." Another of them said that "my figure was spare almost to attenuation." America soon remedied that. I began to put on flesh before I had been in the country a week, and it was during my fifth American tour that I became really fat for the first time in my life.

But even this may be remedied: giving the maximum leap of a normal flea, it is always easy to raise the bed indefinitely from the ground space upwards is unlimited and the supporters of the bed may be made to meet in one pillar, coated with so viscous a substance as to put even a flea into chancery.