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A very remarkable-looking person entered the room. Elderly and quiet; scrupulously clean; eminently respectable; her gray hair neat and smooth under her modest white cap; her eyes, set deep in their orbits, looking straight at any person who spoke to her here, at a first view, was a steady, trust-worthy woman.

White, who was one of the most honourable and scrupulous of men, took alarm, and saw that it would never do to have the young officers running after her. 'It was an uncommonly awkward position, added Sir Jasper, 'with such a remarkable-looking girl, and a foolish unmanageable mother.

You never heard of him: his name is Abraham Lincoln." "I have heard of him, and I have seen him in Union County before I came here," said Georgiana, with enthusiasm. "He came here once to hear Mr. Clay speak," I resumed; "and I saw them walking together one day under the trees at Ashland the two most remarkable-looking men that I ever beheld together or in human form."

Judging from your letter, some weeks must have passed since the lawyer received his information that they had shifted their quarters. As they are both remarkable-looking people, the strangers who may have assisted them on their travels have probably not forgotten them yet. Nevertheless, expedition is desirable.

He was high-spirited, brave, and gracious, but remarkable-looking, from his upper teeth being all in one, without divisions. When he was seventeen, while he was gone to Illyria to the wedding of one of Glaucias’ sons, his subjects rose against him, and made one of his cousins king.

Albans; always smiling and evading a reply when asked to what particular house he was bound. Nobody who saw the light and remarkable-looking carriage speeding on its way would be likely to forget it, and Tom could not help rather wondering at the public fashion in which they took their journey forth.

When in flower in spring this is an attractive and very remarkable-looking plant. It thrives best in stove temperature. This variety has the joints all pointing upwards, and is much more compact than the type.

Father Percy Franklin, the elder of the two priests, was rather a remarkable-looking man, not more than thirty-five years old, but with hair that was white throughout; his grey eyes, under black eyebrows, were peculiarly bright and almost passionate; but his prominent nose and chin and the extreme decisiveness of his mouth reassured the observer as to his will.

Such a remarkable-looking young woman! not exactly handsome but you couldn't possibly pass her over." "Enid Glenwilliam!" exclaimed Marcia, with a startled voice. "But of course, Waggin, they weren't alone?" "Oh no probably not! though though I didn't see any one else. They seemed so full of talk I didn't speak to Mr. Arthur. Who do you say she was?" repeated Waggin, innocently.

The clerk, observing my bewilderment, favoured me with the result of his own observation of the stranger who was waiting downstairs. "He is rather a remarkable-looking man, sir. So dark in the complexion that we all set him down in the office for an Indian, or something of that sort."